• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

In this course you will learn you to become a more efficient & productive student. I will provide you with all the tools

What you will learn

Learn about scientifically proven learning strategies

Become a more productive student

Study more efficiently and effectively

Simply get more things done within a limited amount of time


Students are often divided into two distinct groups when it comes to studying:

People who Study Smart or People wo Study Hard

Which group you want to belong to is entirely up to you.

However this course provides you with all the necessary tools, tricks, and techniques so that you can study smart. Therefore you will get all the necessary skills to become more productive and get more things done within a shorter period of time.

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When I created this course my vision was that I want to create something that all students after having completed the course have all the necessary tools which enable them to study more productively and get more things done in a shorter period of time. So that they have more time available and can spend it with their friends and do things they truly enjoy.

I have successfully completed various stages of studying, including a Bachelor’s Degree at a Swiss University. In this course I want to share all of the tricks, tools, techniques, and tips I gathered and gained during the years with you.

We are going to break down the process into three major parts:

  1. Guided Learning (Here we will look at how you can improve information intake & retention while being at school)
  2. Preparation for Studying (Here we will set your study framework and build the phase for self study)
  3. Learning Techniques (Here we will take a closer look at various studying techniques)


Phase 1: Guided Learning

Introduction to Block 1
The Successful Workplace Setup
Taking Notes 1
Taking Notes 2
Having the Right Mindset
The Burger Method

Phase 2: Preparation for Studying

Introduction to Block 2
When to Study?
Where to Study?
Determining Your Learning Style
Visual Learning Style
Auditory Learning Style
Tactile Learning Style
Setting up the Study Plan

Phase 3: Various Learning Techniques

Introduction to Block 3
Linking to the big picture
The Pareto Principle
The Pomodoro Method
Active and Passive Learning
Active Recall for Self-Studying
Methods for Study Groups
The Feynman Method
Progressive Overload
The Primacy Recency Effect
All about Mindmaps
Spaced Repetition
Ending the day