• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Easy Facebook Ads - Marketing Advertising Traffic
Beginner to Advanced in 4 Hours

What you will learn

Get your Ads up and Running in a Week or Less

How to Instantly Know if your Ads are Working or Not

From Beginner to Advanced in 4 hours

Advanced Targeting Options and Advanced Design/Copywriting Secrets

Build a Reliable and Simple way to Send Traffic to your Website

Build an Email list of High Quality Leads


Welcome to the easy Facebook ads academy, let me show you how to run ads the easy way!

I hate courses that are 10 hours long or even 30 hours long. You don’t need a long course. It will only slow you down and you will start procrastinating. My goal in this course is to get your ads up and running in a week or less. Here, check this out.

I basically condensed years of not only my own Facebook Ads experience but also the experience I had working with my clients and students down to this short and intensive course.

Let me show you what I mean.

If you have never run ads before… don’t worry, start at Week 1. This week.

I will explain the psychology of the users on Facebook and how Facebook Ads are different than YouTube Ads.

This will immediately get you up to speed on what will work and what won’t work when running ads on the platform.

We will literally spend minutes, not hours setting up your Facebook page and your ads manager ready to run ads.

If you are intimidated by the complicated looking dashboard of the ads manager, don’t be. I will do a fun Facebook Ads manager and explain the bare essentials, the only things that you need to know, to run ads.

Because this is the Easy Facebook Ads academy, we are going to run ads the easy way. I will explain how to structure your campaigns in a way that will prevent any complications from ever happening. That’s how easy it will be.

If you are not sure what kinds of ads to create and how to create it, then start at week 2.

I call it the creative week. We’ll be creating your lead magnet, landing page, thank you page, and the ad all in a few days.

But first, we will talk about how to avoid getting our ads rejected by the Facebook ad cop. The Facebook algorithm. It’s like a robot that is programed to seek out and reject ads based on certain parameters. Once you know what its looking for you will be able to fly under its radar.

Then we’ll complete your 4 step customer pathway. So that your ad will get clicks, and those clicks will turn into leads and those leads will eventually turn into sales.

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If you already have your ads created and need a refresher on how to setup your campaigns the correct way then start at week 3.

I will hold your hand and show you how to setup up everything step by step. How to install the Facebook Pixel, how to structure your campaign the easy way, and then show you with over the shoulder walk through tutorials how to setup your campaign, ad set, and ad. So all you need to do is to follow along.

You will also learn the targeting options secret that my clients and I use to instantly find your ideal customers. We call it the 3 flavor ice cream targeting strategy and it will help you find people who are actually sincere about your niche and are the most likely to interact and buy

And finally, if your ad is already running and you are having a trouble figuring out if it’s a winner or loser, than start at week 4.

I will make data analysis simple, help you arrange your columns of data, show you what data points to look for and solutions to fix ads that are not performing as well as you would like.

Then we will finish up with some advanced copy writing secrets, advanced targeting secrets, and even an email marketing mini-course so that you not only increase the quality of leads coming into your business but also start converting them into paying customers.

And because the marketplace is always changing and the IOS update is always changing, I will be updating this course with new episodes even new strategies and tactics accordingly.

How does that sound?

See, I told you it was going to be an Adventure didn’t I.

So pick a week and let’s get started.

Let’s get your ads up and running ASAP so that your business will grow asap.

After all, money love speed and there’s not a moment to lose. Let’s get started.

I’ll see you in the next episode.



WEEK 1 – Facebook Ads 101

When to Run Facebook Ads Vs YouTube Ads
Easy Facebook Page Setup
Easy Facebook Ads Manager Setup
Fun Facebook Ads Manager Tour
Your Movie Studio – Easy Ad Campaign Structure
4 Step Customer Pathway
The Power of the Facebook Pixel

WEEK 2 – Easy Ad Creation

WEEK 2 – 4 Step Ad Creation Journey
Beware The Facebook Ad Cop
Step 1 – Creating Your Lead Magnet
Bonus! – Highest Converting Lead Magnet Ideas
Step 2 – Creating Your Thank you Page
Step 3 – Creating Your Landing Page
Step 4 – Create Photo? Carousel? Video Ad?
Step 4 – MAKE THEM PAUSE – Ad Visual Design Secrets
Step 4 – MAKE THEM CLICK – Ad Copywriting Secrets

WEEK 3 – Easy Ad Campaign Setup

WEEK 3 – Let’s Run Facebook Ads the Easy Way!
IOS 14 Update
Easy Facebook Pixel Setup
Campaign Vs. Ad Sets Vs. Ads Review
Easy Ad Campaign Setup
Easy Ad Set Setup
Easy Ad Setup

WEEK 4 – Easy Data Analysis

WEEK 4 – Intro
How to Easily Find the Winners from the Losers
Arranging Your Columns of Data
Easy Data Analysis
Advanced Copywriting Secrets – Lower Lead Costs
Easy Advanced Ads Setup
Advanced Targeting Secrets – Lower Lead Costs
Higher Conversions – Lead Magnet Email Template
Higher Conversions – Email Sales Sequence Template
Email Marketing Mistakes