5 Practice question sets for DP900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam, detailed explanations. Pass DP900 exam with confidence.
What you will learn
This Azure Data Fundamentals [DP-900] practice exam course covers all the information needed to pass the exam on your first try.
Access your exam readiness and pass the DP-900 exam in first attempt with a great score.
Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect
To help you understand the Azure concepts, all answers link to relevant sections.
In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered
All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 70%) mimicking the real exam environment
Each time you take the test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you’re learning and not memorizing
DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Test MAY22
5 Practice question sets for DP900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam, detailed explanations. Pass DP900 exam with confidence.
Want to test your exam readiness for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certificate (DP 900) to gain the confidence to pass your certification exam? Then these ultimate sets of practice exams are for you! You will pass the Microsoft Azure DP 900 exam with confidence.
Azure Data Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical. Candidates should be familiar with the general technology concepts, including concepts like databases & workloads.
DP-900 Exam will measure your skills based on the following four skills
- Describe core data concepts (15-20%)
- Describe how to work with relational data on Azure (25-30%)
- Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure (25-30%)
- Describe an analytics workload on Azure (25-30%)
Each Practice set contains
- 35-45 questions from four categories, one-hour duration
- a balanced number of random questions to cover each category
- Questions are as per the actual exam format
- A detailed explanation of each correct and incorrect answer
- Reference diagrams to explain the topic
- Reference links for further studies
DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Test MAY22
5 Practice question sets for DP900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam, detailed explanations. Pass DP900 exam with confidence.