• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:4 mins read

DMP course with UI walk-through of Oracle BlueKai
Learn the basics of DMP and how do they work, what data do they collect and how to activate the data across campaigns

What you will learn

Fundamentals of a DMP (Data Management Platform)

Get familiar with Oracle BlueKai platform UI

Learn to add users, export audiences and install Apps in Oracle BlueKai

Learn to generate tags within Oracle BlueKai for Website tagging

Learn to navigate the Data Taxonomy


In this course, we will cover step by step guide to Oracle BlueKai and how to Inject, organize and Activate data in Oracle BlueKai and use it across different DSPs and SSPs DMPs are an important component of Programmatic Advertising and are used for granular audience targeting strategies across DSPs and SSPs like Google Ad Manager, DV360, MediaMath, TubeMogul, etc.

The course is divided into different sections, segmented in a way to make your learning smooth

1. Basics of DMP

  • What is a DMP?
  • How do they collect Data?
  • What are they used for?
  • What kind of data do they contain?

2. Oracle BlueKai walk-through

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Oracle BlueKai is one of the largest DMPs available in the market. We will take you through the UI to make you familiar with the UI and you should be able to familiarize with:

  • How to navigate within taxonomy of Data
  • Create Audience groups
  • Export Audience segment data
  • Push the segments to the campaigns
  • Forecast reach for audience segments
  • How to add users to the UI, etc.

3. Articles on most frequently asked questions and advanced terminology explained about Oracle Bluekai and DMPs in general

DMPs have been a very important tool for Digital Marketers and performance professionals as digital media grows more complex and more user data is created and collected on a daily basis, marketers, agencies and publishers need better ways to buy, sell and manage audience data beyond the standard suite of analytics tools. How do you capture all this valuable audience data, shape it into insights and then activate it to drive outcomes?



Introduction to DMP

Introduction to DMP

Oracle BlueKai UI walk-through

Oracle BlueKai : UI and Audience Taxonomy Walk-through with forecasting
Export and Activate Audience Segments

FAQs and Terminology Guide of Oracle BlueKai

Advanced terminology explained
FAQs and Answers


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