Develop Effective Study Habits
Lean how to learn and achieve your academic goals!

What you will learn

How you are best able to learn content

The myths and misconceptions around learning

The different styles and types of learning

How to establish an effective study routine


Everything you need to know to ace your next exam, test, or assignment.

Not all approaches to study are equal, and not all work for everyone.

It is possible to go through our entire schooling careers wasting our time with ineffective methods of study. Students find themselves struggling to retain information because they are using approaches that are not suited to their subjects, nor their personal preferences, capabilities, and learning styles.

In this mega course you will learn how to maximize your study time and exam performance.

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You will learn the principles of learning and how to apply them, as well as how to establish a study routine that you can stick to. You will be given in depth instructions and case studies that highlight a multitude of different approaches and encouraged to experiment to find what works for you.

This course will supercharge your ability to learn, giving you the tools, tips, and tricks necessary to not only make the content stick in your brain, but also to make you understand it on a deep level.

If you want to enhance your ability to study, if you want to do well on your end of year exams, or if you simply want to know how to learn more effectively, this is the course for you.





Learning How To Learn

Myths Of Learning 1 You Can’t Learn
Myths of learning 2 Your Dumb
Myths of learning 3 All Knowledge Is The Same
The Principles Of Learning
Minimising Stress To Increace Performance
What Does The Teacher Expect
Maximising Knowledge Retention
Establish A Study Routine
Rock Solid Midframe
Hack Your Focus
Discovering How You Best Can Learn
Do What Works For You
Cue Cards & Other Traditional Study Aids
Rote Learning
Mnemonics – How To Remember Boring Lists
Backwards Questioning For Deeper Learning
Class Project

Recap & Review

Recap & Review