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Towards Excellence!

What you will learn

Positive Mindset Habits

Why take this course?

🎉 Course Title: Design Thinking Towards Excellence in Academia

Course Description

The preface marks the learning as a priority. 📚✨

Towards Excellence! 🚀
Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra’s course, Design Thinking Towards Excellence in Academia, where we redefine education through an innovative lens. This isn’t just a framework; it’s the I CAN DO IT Approach, essential for today’s educational landscape.

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Key Highlights of the Course:

  • Embracing DT in Education: Discover how Design Thinking serves as a problem-solving approach dedicated to enhancing quality in education. It’s not just about solving problems but creating and innovating within the learning environment. 🎓✏️
  • Empathy First: Learn to foster empathy among students, which is the cornerstone of Design Thinking. Understand the needs and perspectives of your learners to tailor an educational experience that truly resonates with them.
  • Action Bias & Ideation: Encourage a proactive mindset that leads to action and ideation. This course will guide you through the process of generating ideas that can transform your classroom into a hub of creative excellence.
  • Metacognitive Awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of how students learn, including their cognitive processes, and use this insight to enhance learning outcomes.

The Objective:

  • Excellence via Involvement: The module activates the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of DT in schools and shows teachers how to apply it effectively to create classrooms that inspire and excite students. 🏫✨
  • Personalized Learning Environments: Tailor your classroom layout and lessons to meet the unique needs of your students, ensuring an environment conducive to their growth and achievement.
  • Encapsulating DT as a Mindset: Understand how Design Thinking can be integrated into a mindset and approach to learning, collaboration, and problem solving for better governance and manipulation towards educational excellence.

The Learning Journey:

  • Empathy to Action: Learn the journey from understanding your students’ needs (Empathize) to imagining creative solutions (Ideate), building prototypes (Prototype), and sharing your results (Share). This is the heart of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle inspired by Deming.
  • Fostering an ‘I CAN’ Mindset: Inspire your students to believe in their abilities, encouraging them to be active agents in their learning journey.
  • Outshining with DT: Discover how Design Thinking starts with Empathy and unfolds into a cycle of IDEATE, EXPLORE, PROTOTYPE that leads to outstanding academic achievements and student performance.

Your Role as an Educator:

Make your students not just shine but OUTSHINE through the transformative power of Design Thinking. This course is your guide to making a choice, believing in it, and achieving a WIN-WIN for both you and your students. 🌟🤝

What You Will Learn:

  • The fundamentals of Design Thinking and its applications in the educational sector.
  • Strategies for creating an empathetic classroom environment that promotes creativity and problem-solving.
  • Techniques to foster a growth mindset among students, encouraging them to believe in their ability to succeed.
  • A step-by-step approach to applying the PDCA cycle in educational settings for continuous improvement.
  • Methods to design lessons and classroom layouts that cater to the diverse needs of each student.

Ready to Transform Education?

Get Going & Enjoy the learning journey with Design Thinking Towards Excellence in Academia! 🚀🎓

Enroll now and join a community of educators dedicated to excellence through innovative thinking! 🎉
