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Master the Art of Data Analytics with Python in the Latest Techniques and Real-world Projects

What you will learn

Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of data analytics.

Learn how to manipulate, clean, and preprocess data using Python.

Gain proficiency in using popular Python libraries for data analysis, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships in datasets.

Apply statistical methods and techniques to analyze data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Develop skills in data visualization and create compelling charts, graphs, and visual representations.

Understand the importance of data ethics and privacy in data analytics.

Develop a portfolio of real-world data analytics projects to showcase your skills and expertise. Course Outline: Module 1: Introduction to Data Analytics and P


The Data Analytics using Python [2023] course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform data analysis and gain valuable insights using Python programming language. This course is specifically tailored for the year 2023 and incorporates the latest tools, techniques, and industry best practices in data analytics. Through hands-on projects, participants will have the opportunity to apply their learning and develop practical data analytics skills.

Course Duration: This is an intensive 14+ hours course that covers a wide range of topics related to data analytics using Python. The course is structured in a way that allows participants to progress from foundational concepts to advanced techniques gradually.

The course is designed for students who are new to data analytics and Python. No prior experience with either is required. The course is taught by experienced data scientists who use a clear and engaging teaching style.

The course includes nine hands-on projects that give students the opportunity to apply what they have learned. The projects cover a variety of topics, including:

Project 1 – Imputing Data Employee Salary

Project 2 – Data Cleaning and Imputing Missing Values in FIFA19 Dataset

Project 3- Virat Kohli Performance Analysis

Project 4 -Movie Recommender System

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Project 5- Smartwatch Data Analysis

Project 6- Analyzing the Growth of Indian Startups

Project 7 – Fake News Detection using Python and Machine Learning

Project 8 – Data Cleaning on Feedback Dataset

Project 9 –ย  Hotel Demand Booking Dataset

The course is designed to help students develop the skills they need to become data analysts. By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Collect and clean data
  • Analyze data using statistical and machine learning methods
  • Visualize data in a clear and informative way
  • Build data models that can be used to make predictions

The Data Analytics using Python [2023] with 9 Projects course is a valuable resource for students who are interested in learning more about data analytics and Python. The course is comprehensive, hands-on, and taught by experienced data scientists.

Here are some of the benefits of taking this course:

  • Learn the basics of data analysis and Python
  • Apply what you learn in nine hands-on projects
  • Develop the skills you need to become a data analyst
  • Get hands-on experience with popular data science tools and libraries
  • Learn from experienced data scientists



Data Science AI Life Cycle

Introduction to Data Analysis

Data Cleaning Methods
Data Cleaning Definition
Data Cleaning Checklist
Reasons for Missing Values
Problems with Missing Data
Solutions for Different Types of Missing Values
Scenarios to delete missing values
Ways to Impute Missing Values in Dataset
Project 1 – Imputing Data Employee Salary
Exercise 2- Handling NAN, Na, na , forward fill, backward fill, interpolate
Project 2 – Data Cleaning and Imputing Missing Values in FIFA19 Dataset
Understanding Outliers in Dataset
Types of Outliers in Dataset
Handling Outliers in BigMart Dataset
Data Cleaning Project

Complete Python – Basics to Advance

Python Keywords Identifiers Doscstring
Python Input Output formatting
Working with Lists in Python
Working with Tuples in Python
Working with Sets in Python
Working with Dictionary in Python
Working with Strings in Python
Frozensets in Python
Functions in python
Solution of HCF Assignment
Type of Functions in Python Part 1
Type of Functions in Python Part 2
Recursive Functions in Python
Lambda Functions in Python
User Defined Functions in Python
Removing Duplicates Items in a List
OS Built-in Module
Math Module in Python
Statistics Module in Python
Collections Module in Python
Random Module in Python
File Handling in Python
Creating Files with file modes in Python
File Opening with access mode
Close File in Python
Reading file with with statement
Reading Last n lines of a file in Python
Assignment on File Handling
Solution of Assignment on File Handling

Python Data Visualization

Univariate Data Analysis and Visualization
Bivariate Analysis and Visualization
Finding Correlation with Multivariate Data Analysis
Visualization using Scatter Plots line Area Bar Charts with Colormaps
Polar Charts Analyzing Cyclic Variables
Animation with Facets and Map Chart Animations
Choropleth Animations Maps Visualization


Project 3- Virat Kohli Performance Analysis
Project 4 -Movie Recommender System
Assignment Based on Movie Recommender Project
Solution of Assignment Based on Movie Recommender Project
Project 5- Smartwatch Data Analysis
Project 6- Analyzing the Growth of Indian Startups
Project 7 – Fake News Detection using Python and Machine Learning
Project 8 – Data Cleaning on Feedback Dataset
Project 9 – Hotel Demand Booking Dataset