• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Code your own Bot with Python to Automate Crypto Investing in Binance. Upload Him to a Server and He Will Do the Rest !

What you will learn

Learn the Fundamentals of Python (Variables and Data Types, Operators, For Loops, While Loops, Objects and Classes etc )

Data Analysis With Pandas Library in Python

Fundamentals of Algorithmic Trading

Connecting Binance with Python Using Python-Binance Library and Placing Different Types of Orders

Calculating Profit, Market Deviation, Quantity ect with Python and Pandas

Building DCA Strategy Using Psudo Code and Converting into Python Code

Creating Multiple Trading Bots Using Classes and Objects and Run Them Parallelly with Multi Processing

Creating a Virtual Server with Digital Ocean

Establishiment of SSH Connection with the Server by Using Putty

Uploading Bot into the Server and Running in the Server

The Dollar Cost Averaging Method in Investing ( Placing Orders at Different Price Levels , Calculating the Profit )


There are 8 main sections in this course

  1. Basics of Python
  2. Data Analysis with Pandas Library in Python
  3. Building the Strategy Plan
  4. Algorithmic Trading with Python-Binance
  5. Building the Trading Bot
  6. Multiprocessing ( Trading Multiple Coin Pairs Simultaneously )
  7. Creating a Digital Ocean Server and Running bot in that Server

Basics of Python –

This section is for absolute beginners in python. We are discussing about following topics.

  • Installing Python and Setting up IDE
  • Print Function and F Strings
  • Variables and Basic Data Types in Python
  • Operators in Python
  • Python Functions
  • Global and Local Variables in Python
  • Working with Lists
  • Working with Dictionaries
  • If Else Statements in Python
  • While Loops, Break and Continue Statements
  • For Loops
  • Classes and Objects in Python

Data Analysis with Pandas Library in Python

Pandas is a Python library created for data analysis. We are using this library to do essential forex calculations.

We are discussing about,

  • Pandas Series
  • Pandas Data Frames
  • Selecting Specific Rows and Columns in a Dataframe
  • Selecting Rows in a Data Frame by Conditions
  • Iterating Colums in a Dataframe

Building the Strategy Plan

In this section, we will be designing blue print of our trading bot. We are building the basic structure with psudo-codes.

Algorithmic Trading with Python-Binance

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Connecting Binance Spot Testnet Account with Python

We are creating functions of our trading bot(Functions for Placing Orders, Calculate the Profit, Calculate the Deviation of the Price etc )

Adding Current Positions into Pandas Data Frames

Building the Trading Bot

We are putting all the functions together and assembling the bot


We are Upgrading our Bot with Classes and Threading. After that He Can Trade Multiple Coins at the Same Time.

Creating a Digital Ocean Server and Running bot in that Server

We are uploading our bot to a server. it will run continuously in the Server and generate a passive income.




Introduction and Course Content

Basics of Python Programming for Beginners

Installing Python and Setting up IDE
Print Function and F Strings
Variables and Basic Data Types in Python
Operators in Python
Python Functions
Global and Local Variables in Python
Working with Lists
Working with Dictionaries
If Else Statements in Python
While Loops, Break and Continue Statements
For Loops
Classes and Objects in Python

Data Analyzing with Pandas Library in Python

Pandas Series
Pandas Data Frames
Selecting Specific Rows and Columns in a Dataframe
Selecting Rows in a Data Frame by Conditions
Iterating Colums in a Dataframe

The Strategy

Introduction to The Strategy
Building the Blueprint of The Strategy Part 1
Building the Blueprint of The Strategy Part 2

Binance Algorithmic Trading with Python

Connecting Binance Spot Testnet with Python
Live Streaming Current Price of a Currency Pair
Buying and Selling Coins at Market Price
Recording Past Trades into Pandas DataFrame
Calculate Deviation of Current Price from Initial Price
Calculate the Percentage Profit
Selling Previously Bought Coins in the DataFrame

Assembling the Trading Bot

Assembling the Trading Bot Part 1
Assembling the Trading Bot Part 2
Finalizing the Bot and Live Testing

Trading Multiple Coins Simultaneously with Threading and Multiprocessing

Trading Multiple Coins Simultaneously – Classes
Trading Multiple Coins Simultaneously – Objects and Threading

Creating Digital Ocean Server and Uploading Bot

Creating the Server
Connecting to the Server with Putty
Installing Pandas and Python-binance in the Server
Uploading Bot into the Server
Running the Bot as a Background Process
View the Status of the Trading Bot Later

Download the Final Trading Bot Here
