From Zero to AI Hero: Build & Deploy Cutting-Edge AI Web Apps with Streamlit, LangChain, NLTK & External APIs

What you will learn

Build a comprehensive AI-powered web application for research papers, integrating features learned throughout the course

Gain a foundational understanding of artificial intelligence and its applications in web development

Develop proficiency in using Streamlit to create engaging and dynamic web applications with interactive components

Learn how to effectively use LangChain to integrate and manage AI models within your applications

Acquire skills in managing and persisting state across user interactions in Streamlit apps to enhance user experience

Create a functional text summarizer using natural language processing techniques to extract key information from texts

Learn how to access and use the arXiv API to retrieve and manage academic research papers and metadata

Why take this course?

Unlock the power of artificial intelligence by learning how to build dynamic AI-powered web applications with Streamlit and LangChain. This hands-on course will guide you from understanding the basics of AI to implementing advanced features like NLP-based text summarization and API integrations. Perfect for developers, data scientists, and AI enthusiasts, this course offers a step-by-step approach to mastering the tools needed to create your own AI-driven web apps.

What You Will Learn:

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In this course, you’ll gain a solid understanding of AI fundamentals and learn to build interactive web applications using Streamlit. You’ll explore LangChain integration, master state management in Streamlit, and apply natural language processing to create a text summarizer. Additionally, you’ll set up the arXiv API and utilize LangChain’s output parsers to manage research data. By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills to develop your own AI-powered web apps, culminating in two final projects that showcase your ability to build a sophisticated AI research paper web application.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to build your own AI web applications, making advanced AI accessible and interactive. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career or embark on new projects, this course is your gateway to building AI-driven solutions.
