Issue in the present world is not a case of ‘gun vs gun’ but a case of ‘ideology vs ideology’.

What you will learn

Understand that the political interpretation of Islam is a case of political extremism which misinterprets Islamic teachings, and enforces them on others.

Distinguish between Islamic teachings which are to be followed of one’s own free will and political extremism which strives to enforce commandments on others.

Understand that violent extremism can be countered by presenting the correct Islamic perspective of the Quranic verses used to radicalize people.

Counter violent extremism by re-engineering the minds of people on peaceful lines so they leave violence on their own and work toward peaceful activism.

Why take this course?

Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Foundation Program is a two-week initiative designed to provide stakeholders and authorities with a practical approach to combating violent extremism. Violent extremism has emerged as a global threat. While authorities often respond to it with military measures viewing it as a battle of force, stakeholders are exploring proactive strategies in various forms. Yet, these methods have shown limited effectiveness.

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Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, an Islamic scholar of world renown, explained that extremism and militancy cannot be eliminated by bombs and guns. It is a case of ideology vs counter-ideology. The root cause of Muslim militancy is the misrepresented ideology of the ‘political interpretation of Islam,’ which misinterprets Islamic text to present a self-styled ideology of a religion of enforcement. Influenced by this ideology certain Muslims are motivated to perpetrate violence, wrongly using the name of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace, the commandments of which need to be followed of one’s free will. However, the misconstrued political ideology shows it as a religion enforcing Islamic commandments on others. CVE Program helps participants understand that the realistic and preventive approach to countering violent extremism is to re-engineer the minds of those engaged in violence by presenting the correct Islamic perspective of the very same Quranic verses that are used to radicalize them. Then, they leave violence on their own and start working in the fields of positive and peaceful activism.
