Decision Making Process in Python Programming

What you will learn

Students will be learn how to implements real life decision scenarios in computer using python programming language. They also learn how to change taken decision when particular event or condition will occur while in software implementation.


Python is the fastest growing language in terms of developers, libraries and application that it can be useful. It could be Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, anything that you can think, Python has always the best choice for programmer.

python is general purpose, high level language with easy semantics. In python indentation has used instead of curly braces to basically describe the block of code. Initially Python was not so popular as it was slower than other programming language but as rise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Python become lot of popular now a days.

This course is intended for learners, who want to know details about the Python Decision making process.

This course will very useful if you are eager to get knowledge about how any programming language can be implements the applications where various kind of selection or branching decisions are required to be taken.

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In this course you will be learn concepts like Sequential Control Structure, Decision Control Structure and Repetitive Control Flow.

In this course learner not only be able to define the various concept like Selection Statements (if Statement, if–else Statement, if—elif—else Statement), Looping control statements (while loop, for loop) and Looping Control Statements (break Statements, continue Statements and pass Statement) but also they can implements these concept in real life applications using Python programming.

I am wishing you a very happy learning. Best of Luck!!!!!



Introduction of Python course and tools

Introduction of course content
Future and Use of Python Programming Language
Python Interpreter Installation on Windows 10 Operation System
PyCharm Installation on Windows 10 Operating System.

Control Flow Structure in Python Programming Language

Control Flow Structure in Python Programming Language.
Simple if Statements in Python
Python if ….else Statements
if….elif….else Statements in Python
Nested if Statements in Python.

Looping Statements in Python

while Loop in Python
for Loop in Python
range() Function in Python
Nested Loops in Python

Python Loop Control Statements

Python Loop Control Statements: break Statement
Python Loop Control Statements: continue Statement
Python Loop Control Statements: pass Statement