Basic Hardware,Software,Privacy, Security, Backup Guide And Troubleshooting Tips To Use A Computer Running On Windows 10
What you will learn
Acquire Basic Understanding Of The Computer
Personalized Support
Designed To Give Most Information In A Short Time
Designed In An Organized Manner
Learn To Use Windows 10 Built-in Antivirus
Basic Hardware Information,Settings In Windows To Make Your Computer Secure
Learn About Online Computer Backup
Designed For People Of All Levels And Ages
Get Lifetime Course Access
New Materials Are Added And Receive Continuous Update With Time
Troubleshooting Guide
Guideline For Professional Free Software and Future Learning
Get most updated course to learn about computer basic 2021. In any type of job, whether it is technical or non technical, basic knowledge of computer is important. You’ll learn the most necessary things that is essential if you have a computer.
We all start somewhere. I know you are a new computer user. This course is designed for absolute beginners. This course is short because most people can’t finish long courses . Don’t worry, this course has 1.5 hours of content which is equivalent to the courses with 5/6 hours contents. I have talked less and used simple short terms so that you can learn more and digest it easily.Β As we all have 24 hours in day , the person who can learn in the shortest time , is the winner.
Lets keep it simple and meaningful.
You’ll learn Basic Hardware,Software,Privacy, Security, Backup Guide And Troubleshooting Tips To Use A Computer Running On Windows 10.
Why to choose this course over other course:
The only course on market which is made with most updated materials and skipped the old information that don’t work today.
New course materials are continually added over time.
Accurate subtitle for better understanding
Only important topics are included
No unnecessary talking.We believe the more you learn in the shortest time , the more you get benefited.
Students can request to learn any topic by filling google form
Basic hardware specs explained
Additional reading for in-depth understanding of every topic
Uninstalling softwares,setting up password and pins
Complete Windows 10 shortcut keys
Drive encryption for bullet-proof data theft protection
Advanced task is taught , like permanently deleted file recovery.
Offline And Online Backup.
A way to avoid paid antivirus software
Active Question Answer section, get answer for your every question
A bonus guide to learn anything free as well as a list of powerful free softwares .None will tell you about them.
Sounds exciting? Don’t miss it .Enroll now.