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Clear your concepts to pass Comptia A+ core 1 exam with confidance

What you will learn

Clear concepts on COmptia A+ core 1

Attempting the questions

Passing the Comptia A+ core 1exam

Passing interview questions


Disclaimer: This practice exam is unofficial and in no way   affiliated / endorsed by official comptia exam body

This exam is designed with questions that along with providing clear concepts give candidates full confidence to pass the exam . Candidates are encouraged to give their feedbacks, sought answer on having confusion with any question.

The exam is divided in two logical portion :

1) MCQS with complete explanation at the end of practice test.

2)PBQ simulated questions with no choices to make it right or wrong and the answer is given in the explanation at the end of the practice test.

Upon completing this practice exam:

Candidates will be able to handle interview questions surrounding comptia A+ core 1 101 exam and be able to pass the exam with 100% guarantee ( 30days money back) as it has covered nearly all the modules and aspects in the scope of real exam.

Upon attaining the  COmptia A+  certification following are the skills  gained to:

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• Set up, arrange, and uphold computer hardware, mobile gadgets, and  software for end-users.

• Customize components according to client needs.

• Grasp fundamental networking principles and employ fundamental  cybersecurity approaches to counteract risks.

• Accurately and securely identify, solve, and record typical hardware  and software problems.

• Utilize problem-solving capabilities and deliver client assistance  utilizing suitable communication proficiencies.

• Comprehend fundamental scripting, cloud technologies, virtualization,  and multi-operating system implementations within corporate settings corporate environments

CompTIA A+  Core 1 (220-1101) Exam Details:
Number of questions : Maximum of 90
Types of questions :  Multiple-choice and performance-based
Length of test  :90 minutes

Passing score :675 (on a scale of 100–900)

Mobile Devices : 15%
Networking :20%
Hardware :25%
Virtualization and Cloud Computing :11%
Hardware and Network Troubleshooting :29%



PBQ /simulation questions