Learn Portrait Photography, Landscape Photography, Stock Photography, Photography Composition, Black and White, and more
☑ Will understand basic photography concepts, Exposure Triangle, ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture
☑ Will understand advanced photography concepts, Histograms, Light Metering, RAW format
☑ Will do practical projects with Photo Editing, Adobe Lightroo, Adobe Photoshop
☑ Will konw how to earn money through stock photography
☑ Will do practical projects with Black and White Photography
☑ Will do practical projects in HDR and Night Photography
☑ Will learn Macro Photography
☑ Will learn how to earn money through photography
☑ Will get practical knowledge on Photography blogging with WordPress
☑ Earn Money Online using photography
☑ Earn Passive Income using Photography
Our students’ reviews regarding this course —
“This course has been broken down to explain some difficult photography lingo and setting into plain easy to understand English and the teacher goes nice and slow so you don’t feel bombarded with tons of info at once!” — Christi Guimar
“I found this course really helpful and I learned more about some of the technical aspects that will help me improve my photography. The explanations were simple and made sense. This is the first time I actually grasped the concepts and how things interact in a meaningful way. ” — Belinda Walker
“Its rendered in its simplest way which helps a lot in understanding the course.” — Hazel
“Great course. Very informative and enjoyable. Very well presented. Thank you.” — Bobbie Smith
“The course is very interesting and informative so far, and matches my skill level.” — Elizabeth Armstrong
“… Simple explanations; those are easy to understand.” — Brock Paterson
“every instructor has been great to listen to and have taught above expectations there is not a single flaw in any video every video was complete and totally informative I feel grateful to have got a chance to study under such great instructors, thank you very much” — Archit Lohumi
“This tutorial is simple but clear and to the point, good for the beginner, it’s a very complete starter if you interest in the photographer world the teaching is simple but cover many sections on photography world… for the creator, thank you for providing us this tutorial” — Andreas Uditama
“This course was really awesome and filled with really nice information. All was really easy to understand and a lot of fun learning everything especially from a variety of different people.” — Nicole Young
==== Course Contents ====
Course 1: Understanding Basic Concepts of Photography
- Intro to Photography Basics
- What is Exposure Triangle
- Understanding Aperture
- Understanding ISO
- Understanding Shutter Speed
Course 2: Understanding Advanced Concepts of Photography
- What is RAW?
- What is Light Metering?
- Understanding Histograms
Course 3: Mastering Architectural Photography
- Equipment needed for Architectural photography
- How to shoot in low light
- And many in-depth Photoshop techniques for beautiful architecture photography.
Course 4: Mastering HDR Photography
- How to shoot for HDR.
- How to process for HDR
Course 5: Mastering Night Photography
- Night Photography
Course 6: Adobe Lightroom Basics
- Lightroom Introduction
- Import photos
- Collections
- Working with White Balance
- Digging with color corrections
- Mastering Lens correction
Course 7: Adobe Lightroom Advanced
- Working with Spot Healer
- Working with Graduated Filter
- Working with Radial Filter
- Working with Adjustment Filter
- Exporting images
- Working with presets
Course 8: Adobe Photoshop Basics
- Mastering color pop
- Working with Matte
- Working with Sharpening
- Sun glass reflection
- HDR with Photoshop
Course 9: Adobe Photoshop Advanced
- How to remove objects using Photoshop
- Working with warm B/W effect
- Working with Hue/Saturation in Photoshop
- Working with vintage effect
- Working with High Key effect
Course 10: Understanding Photography Gear
- Full frame sensor vs. Crop sensor
- RAW vs. JPEG vs. TIFF
Course 11: Deep analysis on lenses – which lens you should buy
- Analysis on Lenses
- Chart: DSLR Lens Analysis
- Special Purpose Lens
- Benefits of prime lens
- Chart: Lens market share
Course 12: Analysis on Filter and Stabilization
- Analysis on Filters
- Use of Polarization filter # Darken The Sky
- Use of Polarization filter # Avoid reflection
- Neutral Density (ND) Filter: When to use?
- Use of ND filter # Waterfall
Course 13: Earn Money Through Stock Photography
- Why Stock Photography?
- Success Theory in Stock Photography
- How much you can earn? from stock photography
- What type of images buyer want
- Analyze the market through useful tools
- Shoot Images having both literal and conceptual meaning
- Save some negative space
- Get model release early
- Submit to multiple stock agency sites
- Invest your time for proper meta data and key-wording
Course 14: Mastering Photography Marketing
- Social Media Marketing for Photography
- Physical Marketing for Photography
- Website Marketing for Photography
- Classic Marketing for Photography
Course 15: Black and White Photography
- Introduction to Black and White Photography
- Why Black and White Photography
- Color Photography vs. Black and white Photography
- Tips for better Black and White Photography
Course 16: 10 Ways to earn from Photography
- Work as assistant photographer
- Sell your photographs in stock sites
- Earn from photography contests
- Earn from photography blogging
- Earn from photography YouTube channel
- Other ways to earn from photography
Course 17: Black and White Photography
- Introduction to Macro photography course
- What is Macro photography
- Examples of basic Macro photography
- How to make Macro more interesting
- Intro to Macro photography gear
- Compositional elements and themes
- Rule of thirds
- Symmetry in Macro photography
- Working with Macro Themes
- Easy tips to get sharp and crispy image
- How to get larger depth of field
- Manual vs. Auto Mode
- How to adjust macro lenses
Course 18: Portrait Photography
- Introduction to Portrait Photography
- What makes a portrait look great?
- Recommended equipment for better portraits
- Compositional techniques for cool portraits
- Tips for better backgrounds in portraits
- Lighting skills for amazing portraits
- Bokeh and Blur
- Example of poses for better portraits
- Tips for child portraits
- Tips for corporate portraits and head-shots
- Tips for wedding and event portraits
- Tips for Indoor Portraits
- Tips for Outdoor Portraits
Course 19: Landscape Photography
- Introduction to Landscape Photography
- What makes landscape photos look great
- Recommended equipment for better Landscape Photos
- Composition techniques for better Landscape photos
- Shooting at Golden Hour: Sunrise
- Shooting at Golden Hour: Sunset
- Shooting at Blue Hour
- Shooting at Night
- Using Polarizer filter for Landscapes
- Using ND filter for Landscapes
- Tips for choosing and moving to locations
- Recommended settings for better Landscapes
Course 20: Photography blogging through WordPress: Basics
- Getting started
- Different blogging platforms
- Choosing the domain
- Different hosting providers
- WordPress Quick Installation
- WordPress Manual Installation
- Connecting your WordPress with your domain
Course 21: Photography blogging through WordPress: Advanced
- First look at WordPress
- WordPress settings
- Posts
- Pages
- Themes
- Customizing a Theme
- Menu
- Plugins
- More on Plugins
- Writing and optimizing a blog post
- Advanced optimization of a blog post
- How to find a good article writer
- Profiting from your blog: Banner ads
- Profiting from your blog: Other methods
- Final thoughts
Understanding Basic Concepts of Photography
Introduction to Basics of Photography
Understanding Exposure Triangle
Understanding Aperture
Understanding ISO
Understanding Shutter Speed
Understanding Advanced Concepts in Photography
What is RAW?
Understanding Light Metering
Understanding Histograms
Mastering Architectural Photography
Introduction to Architectural Photography
Equipments Needed for Architectural Photography
Editing Architectural Photography
Mastering Night Photography
Night Photography
Tips on Night Photography
Mastering HDR Photography
HDR Photography
Adobe Lightroom Basics
Introduction to Adobe Lightroom
Importing photos in Lightroom
Working with Collections
Working with White Balance
Working with Color Corrections
Working with Lense corrections
Adobe Lightroom Advanced
Working with Spot Healer
Working with Graduated Filter
Working with Radial Filter
Working with Adjustment Brush
Exporting Images
Mastering Presets
Adobe Photoshop Basics
Mastering color pop
Working with Matte
Working with Sharpening
Sunglass Reflection
Working with warm black and white effect in photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Advanced
HDR with Photoshop
Working with High Key effect in Photoshop
Working with Hue / Saturation in Photoshop
How to remove objects using Photoshop
Remove objects from Image using Photoshop: Part 2
Working with vintage effect in Photoshop
Understanding Photography Gear
Full Frame Sensor vs. Crop Sensor
RAW vs. Tiff vs. JPEG
Deep analysis on Lenses – Which Lens You Should Buy
Analysis on DSLR Lenses
Chart: Know your lens
Special Purpose Lens
Benefits of prime lens
Chart: Lens market share
Analysis on Filter and Stabilization
Analysis on Filter
Polarization Filter : When to use?
Use of Polarization filter # Darken The Sky
Use of Polarization filter # Avoid reflection
Neutral Density (ND) Filter: When to use?
Use of ND filter # Waterfall
Earn Money Through Stock Photography
Why stock photography popular among photographers?
Success Theory in Stock Photography
Analyze the market through useful tools
How to maximize your success in stock photography?
Shoot Images having both meaning + negative space
Save some negative space
Expert yourself in a few domain + create your own style
Prepare yourself before shooting
Shoot more and more + get model release early
Brand Yourself
Invest your time in proper meta data and keywording
Mastering Photography Marketing
Social Media Marketing for Photography
Physical Marketing for Photography
Website Marketing for Photography
Classic Marketing for Photography
Black and White Photography
Introduction to Black and White Photography
Why Black and White Photography
Color Photography vs. Black and White Photography
Tips for better Black and White Photography
10 Ways to earn from Photography
Work as assistant photographer
Sell your photographs in stock sites
Earn from Photography Contests
Earn from photography blogging
Earn from photography YouTube channel
Other ways to earn from photography
Macro Photography
Introduction to Macro Photography Course
What is Macro Photography?
Examples of basic Macro Photography
How to make Macro more interesting
Intro to Macro Photography Gear
Compositional elements and themes
Rule of thirds
Symmetry in Macro Photography
Working with Macro Themes
Easy tips to get sharp and crispy image
How to get larger depth of field
Manual Mode vs. Auto Focus Mode
How to adjust macro lenses
Portrait Photography
Introduction to Portrait Photography
What makes a portrait look great?
Recommended equipments for better portraits
Compositional techniques for cool portraits
Tips for better backgrounds in portraits
Lighting skills for amazing portraits
Bokeh and Blur
Example of poses for better portraits
Tips for child portraits
Tips for corporate portraits and headshots
Tips for wedding and event portratis
Tips for Indoor Portraits
Tips for Outdoor Portraits
Mastering Landscape Photography
Introduction to Landscape Photography
What makes landscape photos look great
Recommended equipment for better Landscape Photos
Composition techniques for better Landscape photos
Shooting at Golden Hour: Sunrise
Shooting at Golden Hour: Sunset
Shooting at the Blue Hour
Shooting at Night
Using a polarizer filter for shooting in Landscapes
Using ND filter for Landscapes
Tips for choosing and moving to Location
Recommended settings for better Landscapes
Photography Blogging with WordPress: Basics
Getting started
Different blogging platforms
Choosing the domain name
Choosing the hosting provider
WordPress Installation – Quick Install – Part 1
WordPress Installation – Quick Installation – Part 2
WordPress Installation – Manual Install
Connecting your domain to your website
Photography blogging with WordPress: Advanced
First look at wordpress
WordPress Settings
Customizing a Theme
The menu
More on plugins
Writing and optimizing a blog post
Advanced optimization of a blog post
How to find a good article writer
Profiting from your blog: Banner Ads
Profiting from your blog: Other Methods
Final thoughts