• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Learn how to become a creative writer and write a book like a pro with this step-by-step course!

What you will learn

How to start writing

How to know what to tell

How to find your own structure

How to write a synopsis

How to create a plot

How to create and develop your characters

How to create a script for a movie

The principles of the text and the subtext


Learn Creative Writing!

Have you always wanted to become a creative writer pro? Regardless of your level as a writer, your experience or expertise, this is the course for you. As an amateur you will learn how to start from zero ground to the level of hero writers. As an experienced creative writer, you will learn here how to plan, organize, and present your work, how to design and develop your project professionally and how to present it on a professional document to any editor, publisher, or producer.

In this course, you’re going to learn everything you need to know to get you started with creative writing, from styles, methods, techniques to how to write fiction or not fiction and learning forms, not formulas. You’ll even learn the different ways to develop your own characters.

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Our instructor has years of experience not only in creative writing, but also in teaching and the expertly-crafted syllabus is designed to be easy to follow and thorough. We’ve even included plenty of examples explained for you to study. That’s why this is the only Creative Writing course you’ll ever need to create awesome stories and write like a pro!

Start writing today!

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a story from scratch
  • Develop your own characters, with backstory, familiar story and antecedents
  • Catch ideas from your daily life
  • Set a writing routine
  • Use the instruments of writing: plot, form, rhythm, tone, style and introduction



Welcome to the Course
Creativity: Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative


The Idea (The Starter, an Image, a Story, a Conflict)
Theme (What Do We Write About?)
Main Character
A Passive Protagonist vs. An Active One
The Others (Secondary Characters)
The Wall (Identify Your Main Conflict. Dramatic Conflict)
β€œBad M. F.” (Build a Strong Antagonist)
Stairway to Hell or to Heaven (The Structure)
Bridge by Bridge (The 3 Acts Structure)
The Hero Path
Discover Your Own Way (Create on the Going vs. A Map of Route)
Catching My Own Story

Creating a Story in a Symphony

The Instruments of the Art of Writing (The Plot, Form, Rhythm, Tone, Style)
The Style (Developing the Method. Hemingway’s Iceberg Method)
The Text, Context, and Subtext
The Narrator
Phrase by Phrase (Focus on the Details)
The Scene (When to Enter When to Leave)
The Job of the Reader
Catching Ideas
The Case of Elisa Lam

Creating and Developing Characters

Characters: The Story of a Killer (β€œPerfume” and Grenouille as the Protagonist)
Develop Your Characters (Backstory, Familiar Story,, Shadows and Lights)
The Dialogue
Six Mistakes
Transformation Arc

The Overview

The Universe of the Story
When and Where is My Story Located?
Play with Space, Plots, and Times

The Synopsis

Types of Synopsis

Creative Writing Languages (Developing Genres)

The Short Story
The Novel
Script for a Movie or a Play

Starting Over

Set a Writing Routine
Write Drunk, Edit Sober
The Right Word and the Screaming Test
Block the Writer’s Block: Creative Writing Exercises, Finding Your Space
Good Luck, a Conclusion
Last Words