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Cognos Analytics

What you will learn

This course is designed to make you an expert on Cognos Analytics. You will learn how to:

Develop Dash Boards using KPIs and consolidated data points

Get Free Access to Cognos Analytics – IBM Cloud Account

Prepare data for Reporting & Dash-Boarding

Upload Your Own data into Cognos Analytics and Understanding it through Analytics’ Exploration Tool

Use of Filters, Prompts and Functions

Develop Complex Reporting using Master/Detail & Drill-Through techniques

Develop Simple and then Complex Reports


IBM Cognos Analytics is one of the largest and successful business intelligence software used for reports and dashboard development. It is a very simple and straight forward tool that does not require prior IT knowledge. In this course you will learn everything COGNOS ANALYTICS offers.

I have been teaching Cognos in a classroom environment in New York City for the past 10 years. It is important to note that close to 90% of my students got jobs and are enjoying their successful careers in Business Intelligence. Over 75% of these student had zero prior knowledge of Cognos or IT except Internet surfing. I want you to imagine yourself in that role – It will be a great journey indeed.

The course is designed to make you an expert on Cognos Analytics and all of its features. You will be able to accomplish following with ease:

Course outline 11.2.4


– Introduction

Syllabus Outline

Module -1: Get access to Cognos Analytics

– Access to Analytics

– Upload and Prepare data

– Exploration

Module – 2: Development

– Create Reports

– Report Formatting

Module – 3: More Development & Organization

– Sorting

– Grouping n Sectioning

– Calculations

Module – 4: Deep Dive Development

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– Deep dive

– Filters

– Cross-Tabs

Module – 5: Charts

– Visualization

Module – 6: Prompts

– Prompts Overview

– Text Box Prompt

– Value Prompt

– Select & Search Prompt

– Date Prompt

– Cascading Prompts

Module – 7: Functions, Master Detail & Drill-through Reporting

– Functions

– Master/Detail

– Drill-Through Reports

Module – 8: Dash-boarding

– Building a Dashboard

I have also included a module on successfully finding a Cognos Business Intelligence Job which will definitely help you finding your dream IT job.




Course Outline

Introduction to Cognos Analytics

Analytics Overview
How to Launch
Interface Explained

Get access to Cognos Analytics

Access to Analytics
Upload and Prepare data


Create Reports
Report Formatting

More Development & Organization

Grouping n Sectioning
Calculations LAB

Deep Dive into Development

Deep dive
Cross-Tab Multi-Dimensional Reporting




Prompts Overview
Text Box Prompt
Text Box Prompt LAB
Value Prompt
Value Prompt LAB
Select & Search Prompt
Date Prompt
Cascading Prompts

Functions, Master Detail & Drill-through Reporting

Date Related Functions
Master/Detail Reporting
Master/Detail LAB
Drill-Through Reports

Dash Boards

Building a Dashboard

Landing a Job

Job Search
Applying and Follow-ups