• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Mindfulness, Empowerment, Positive thinking, journaling, happiness, positive psychology, Mental health, Self awareness

What you will learn

For those who have self-sabotaging thoughts and patterns and would like to get more control over it

Who has anxieties, stresses and worries due to negative thoughts which affect their daily lives including sleep patterns, emotional health etc.

Has intention to change their state of mind, substitute the negative thoughts pattern into a positive one using meditations and coaching sessions

Interested in self help techniques and self developments in gaining more control over mind power

To raise their self-awareness in understanding their thoughts, behaviours and emotional response

who engage in self-sabotaging thoughts or have a persistent negative inner dialogue could find value in learning techniques to transform or reduce these toxic t

beneficial for individuals dealing with depression, as negative thought patterns often contribute to depressive symptoms.

Individuals interested in personal growth and self-improvement may enroll in such a course to enhance their emotional intelligence, resilience, and overall well


Do you feel like your negative thoughts have completely taken control over you? Do you feel overwhelmed by it?

Thoughts create your reality. If you have a negative core belief system, it affects your physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as your ability to manifest. It could lead to an unconscious self-sabotaging battle inside of your mind. if you can change your mindset, you can create your destiny and manifest anything you want.

You are not alone in the constant battle. We all have negative thoughts. The root cause of it may stem from a traumatic event or cumulative negative patterns from childhood. Some thoughts are stronger and more destructive than others. Sometimes the negative thought is so strong that we start to become the identity of it.

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In this course, we will

  • be your personal coach identifying your core beliefs
  • Have guided meditations to clear unwanted thoughts
  • Raise your self-awareness
  • practical step-by-step guide
  • Replace new positive thoughts in your brain
  • Rewire your brain in an alternative way
  • Take back your power
  • Declutter your mind into a peaceful state
  • Give space for manifestations
  • create your reality
  • change your mindset anywhere, anywhere
  • and much more

You already paid a high price for keeping thoughts toxic thought patterns and beliefs. It is time to change and be free!




Thoughts create reality
Toxic thoughts
Conscious power to change
Break the cycle
How to use the course?


Relaxation meditation

Create a safe place

Create a safe place Meditation

Toxic thought coaching

Toxic Thought Coaching Session

Toxic thought Meditation

Toxic Thought Meditation


Importance of grounding
Grounding Meditation