• Post category:StudyBullet-19
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Understanding Drug Names, Prescription, Medication Administration and Safety

What you will learn

Understand the fundamentals of pharmacology, including drug sources, drug naming conventions, and drug routes of administration.

Learn the essential concepts related to prescription writing and medication administration.

Explore the classification and regulation of controlled substances.

Gain insight into the role of medications in patient care, focusing on safety and accuracy.

Why take this course?

This course offers an introduction to basic pharmacology, focusing on key concepts and practices essential for understanding medications. You’ll start with an exploration of pharmacology’s core principles, including drug sources and the process of drug development. The course then dives into the naming conventions for drugs, discussing the differences between chemical, generic, and brand names, providing real-world examples for clarity.

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As you progress, you’ll learn about the routes through which medications are administered, emphasizing the importance of choosing the correct method based on drug type and patient needs. The lesson also covers the crucial aspects of prescription writing and medication safety, ensuring you understand the seven “rights” of administering medication.

One of the highlights of this course is the detailed breakdown of the Controlled Substance Act, where you’ll study the different drug schedules and their significance in healthcare. You’ll explore how these regulations impact patient safety and drug prescribing practices. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in basic pharmacology, equipping you with the knowledge to better understand how drugs work and how they are safely administered. Whether you’re a student or a healthcare professional, this course is tailored to enhance your understanding of medications and safe pharmaceutical practices.
