• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Strategic Steps on How to Acquire the Best Profession for you! Learn Networking, Resume Tips, LinkedIn and more.

What you will learn

How to narrow down their search for the occupation they desire. This course should help you attain a career you want and how to get it..

How to research for occupations and industries with LinkedIn. LinkIn is a powerful that if utilized can find you occupations in areas you desire.

How to prepare a resume booklet for the second interview. Why go to the second interview with the same resume. Bring a booklet of your career.

How to network at trade shows. Every industry has them so go to an event or join an organization. Wysocki details how to network effectively with the players.

If you are lost with how to attain the career or occupation you desire, this course will help you narrow it down and focus to get you what you want.

Why take this course?

Wysocki reviews ideas and concrete solutions so you can prepare to start or change your career. How to network, use Linkedin, build a resume, and other tidbits of how to get into the industry you desire as well as ways to get the opportunity you want. Wysocki has spoken at elite institutions as well as a plethora of high schools from Massachusetts to Maui.

Endorsements from a variety of educators (see website) . Wysocki’s YouTube Channel has 90+ videos on career readiness. Would you like another view other than your Career Counselor?  Here it is.

If you are separating from the military this is a great course for you. Graduated college and need help finding an opportunity? Sign up! Want to learn about the top books on career readiness, please view this course. This will help you get your foot in the door of the industry you want to be in! If you need direction, help, assistance, focus, connections, understanding about careers, professions, occupations, and are lost, sign up!

The purpose of this course is to help students, veterans, and career changers narrow down their occupational choice via Wysocki’s experiences, books read as well as people that have been interviewed in award winning Careers By the People. Basically, anything thing Wysocki can think of or find with the research in the field will be on a his YouTube videos or in a blog on his website.

The emphasis is not like “Designing Your Life” it’s about focusing on your profession. It’s 40 years of your existence and per Frank Parsons, other than choosing a spouse, it is the most important choice in your life. Frank is the Godfather of Choosing a Vocation. Frank was Career Readiness.

Everyone is looking for or wants a dream career, dream job, best job, a solid profession so they scour career guides, career books, career planning, take career assessments etc……which is all good. Wysocki likes the approach of narrowing it down to a few occupations and fields. If you don’t like hospitals, don’t go into medical, if you love numbers maybe accounting, actuarial science etc… maybe your gig. Focus on a list of likes and dislikes.

Even if you are looking for alternatives to college, talk to people in the field that you want as well as the ones that have left the field and why. Don’t always associate money with success and joy. If all you want is money, that’s easy. Get an MBA from Wharton and work as an investment banker. They make a few million a year, so that is done. Congrats! Move to Beverly Hills! If you want some joy or a challenge for your career, you must find what interests you and that you enjoy learning about that constantly.

Careers By the People informs how Wysocki should have prepared for a career. You will learn about networking, soft, professional skills from 30+ years in the trenches of technology sales.

Here’s some questions Wysocki gets about the book Careers By the People.

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Is Careers By the People useful for Career and Technical Education?

It’s a great book for CTE aka Careers & Technical Education as it views 101 occupations that break down into California CTE Career Pathways. In the book there are (4) in Agriculture and Natural Resources (7) Arts, Media, & Entertainment (1) Building & Construction Trades (14) Business & Finance (18) Education, Child Development, & Family Services (1) Energy, Environment, & Utilities (5) Engineering & Architecture (3) Fashion & Interior Design (10) Health Science & Medical Technology (3) Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation (5) Information & Communication Technologies (6) Manufacturing & Product Design (14) Marketing, Sales, & Services (6) Public Services (3) Transportation.

Is this another “What Color is your Parachute?”

Wysocki always get asked “Is Careers By the People like “What Color is your Parachute?”” What Color is Your Parachute is the top selling career guide and it focuses on some subjects that Careers By the People does and others that Careers By the People does not. They are more supplemental than a competitor.

Careers By the People reviews 101 occupations from the people that worked them. They each get asked 20+ questions about their career and the majority have 5+ years in that occupation so you can read if they acquired their dream career or not.

Then Wysocki reviews what he would have done differently in college in hopes to find that dream job or better yet great career. Wysocki reviews internships, career choice career planning for college, career advancement so you have career options in the hopes of career success.

Wysocki hopes with his career advice that one can choose the best career path for themselves so they can acquire an occupation that offers some type of joy and purpose.

When should career preparation/career planning start?

So many ask when should career planning start? Is this a good book for career planning in high school, is this career planning for teens, or is this a career book for college students only? Wysocki thinks career books for teens should target 10th grade and above. Others want to target elementary etc…..so for readers, Wysocki would go with 13 to adult. It’s great to inform young people about occupations but in more of a fun way prior to the serious topics that Careers By the People handles. Some look at this as a career counseling workbook whereas Wysocki looks at it as a tool to help you narrow down one of the most important decisions in your life.

