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Get your CAPM Certification with this PMBOK 6th Edition Exam Prep Course

What you will learn

How to pass the CAPM Certification Exam on the First Try. You will get all the resources you need to pass the PMI CAPM certification exam.

The course is designed in such a way that it covers each and every topic of the exam in detail

Prepared you to be a good Project Manager

Compare and contrast processes, knowledge areas, theories, and project management best practices


Knowledge is a powerful tool, people who know a field rises above the rest. CAPM means Certified Associate in Project Management, it helps the associates who are new to this field gain knowledge about project management. Though, it does not include just managing the project. Many other skills come under project management. Like, knowing your team’s weaknesses and strengths, planning, and executing the task.

Why is it necessary to know about Project Management? Management is a skill that is not gained by birth. You must craft yourself to learn that skill. The skill of project management helps you a long way when you are new to this field. It acts as the guide and helps you achieve the goal with the team.

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CAPM Training Course will help you to master skills and improve your knowledge of management. Below are the skills that you would have mastered at the end of this training and can effectively manage any given team.

  • Quality Management: You will be able to oversee the team activities and keep a benchmark as the level of excellence. This skill will help you to manage and inspire the team efficiently.
  • Procurement Management: This is an important skill if you are running a business. This skill helps you to manage the goods and services as well as save money spent on procurement.
  • Project Planning: It is the planning of the project. It is a very important part of the project, this is where it is decided what is the target and how to reach that target.
  • Human Resource Management: This would be another important skill. This helps you to manage the resources needed in the team.
  • Apart from the above skills, you will learn Risk Management, Communication Management, Project Integration Management, Project Initiation, Executing and Delivering a Project, and Monitoring & Controlling.



Introduction to CAPM


Navigating Through CAPM Exam
Navigating Through CAPM Exam Continue

Project Management Processes

Project Life Cycle
Product Life Cycle
Project Management Processes
Processes Groups
Processes Groups Continue

Project Management Knowledge Areas

Project Management Knowledge Areas
Project Scope Management
Project Cost Management
Project Quality Management
Project Communication Management
Project Risk Management
Project Risk Management Continue
Project Procurement Management
Project Stakeholder Management
Project Integration Management
Monitor and Control Project Work

Plan Scope Management

Plan Scope Management Inputs
Plan scope management Tool and Techniques
Collect Requirements-Inputs
Collect Requirements-Tools and Techniques
Collect Requirements-Tools and Techniques Continue
Collect requirements-Tools and Techniques Output
Collect requirements-Tools and Techniques Output Continue
Define Scope
Create WBS
Validate Scope
Control Scope
Define Activities
Sequence Activities