A complete user authentication course on CakePHP 3.4 and newer

What you will learn

Build websites and User Authentication Systems with CakePHP

Easy time manipulation using CakePHP , no more hardcoding

Integrating bootstrap with cakephp for beautiful front-ends

ORM with cakephp

String manipulation with Inflector Class

Using Inflector class in the view

Setting User Roles

Why take this course?

πŸŽ“ **Course Title:** Master CakePHP 3: User Authentication & Admin FunctionalitiesπŸš€ **Course Headline:** A complete user authentication course on CakePHP 3.4 and new era web development!

πŸŽ‰ **Dive into CakePHP with Expert Guidance**

**About the Course:**
Unlock the full potential of CakePHP, the robust PHP framework that has been the backbone of countless successful websites since its inception in 2006. This comprehensive course is designed to elevate your web development skills by focusing on user authentication and admin functionalities within CakePHP 3.4. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer looking to refine your skills, this course will guide you through the framework’s powerful features to build secure and efficient web applications.

**Why Choose This Course?**
– **Industry-Standard Knowledge:** Gain insights into building industrial standard websites with CakePHP.
– **Practical Skills:** Learn by doing, with hands-on projects that showcase real-world application of CakePHP.
– **Authentication Mastery:** Understand the ins and outs of user authentication to ensure your applications are secure.
– **Admin Functionalities:** Explore the backend capabilities of CakePHP to manage user roles and permissions effectively.
– **Modern PHP Learning:** Stay up-to-date with CakePHP 3.4, the latest version that brings new features and improvements.

**What You Will Learn:**
– **CakePHP Core Concepts:** Get acquainted with MVC architecture, components, plugins, and routing.
– **Database Integration:** Learn to handle databases with CakePHP’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for seamless data operations.
– **User Authentication:** Implement secure login systems, password recovery, and user registration.
– **Admin Functionalities:** Create and manage admin roles, permissions, and user dashboards.
– **Crafting Applications:** Build a fully functional job site to solidify your understanding of CakePHP’s capabilities.

**Course Structure:**
1. **Introduction to CakePHP 3.4:**
– Overview of the framework and its benefits.
– Setting up your development environment.

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2. **Core Components of CakePHP:**
– Exploring MVC architecture.
– Understanding components, helpers, and plugins.

3. **Database Integration with CakePHP:**
– Configuring databases.
– Utilizing the ORM to create, read, update, and delete records (CRUD operations).

4. **Building User Authentication Systems:**
– Secure user login process.
– Password encryption and handling.
– Social media integration for user authentication.

5. **Admin Functionalities & User Dashboards:**
– Role-based access control (RBAC).
– Managing user roles and permissions.
– Creating user dashboards with analytics and reporting tools.

6. **Real-World Project:**
– Apply your knowledge by building a job site from scratch.
– Implement user authentication and admin functionalities.

**Who Is This Course For?**
– Aspiring web developers eager to learn CakePHP and build robust applications.
– Developers transitioning from other PHP frameworks or even non-PHP developers looking to expand their skill set.
– Anyone interested in understanding how user authentication and admin functionalities are implemented in a real-world scenario.

**What’s Holding You Back?**
πŸ—οΈ Start building the applications of tomorrow with CakePHP today!
πŸ”’ Master user authentication to keep your web apps secure.
πŸš€ Propel your career forward by learning from an expert in the field.

Enroll now and join a community of developers who are transforming the web development landscape with CakePHP! πŸš€
