• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Cloud infrastructure by OpenStack XENA DEPLOYMENT ON UBUNTU 20.04 OVER KVM HOST

What you will learn

OpenStack Cloud Components deployment

Deploy OpenStack on multi-nodes

Operate your openstack cluster from CLI

Operate your openstack cluster from dashboard


Linux Foundation ranked OpenStack® as the most popular open source project.

It’s market is projected to grow at 30+ percent in the upcoming several years.

Openstack is gaining  more and more attraction in private cloud market and also serves  as the foundation for public clouds. Organizations throughout the world have aggressive.

OpenStack adoption plans, but they list IT skills as their #1 challenge to getting started.

This course has been designed for IT professionals seeking to develop a solid understanding of OpenStack and it’s core services. It will help any IT professional or manager who want to find out if OpenStack is the right solution to meet the needs of their organization.

I will teach you how to setup a “multinode” OpenStack cluster using on a  KVM.

The Nodes will be based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

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After this, you can practice hands-on, at your own pace, by building out several real-world lab   scenarios.

The points below will be addressed:

• The basic configuration of the physical server as well as its virtualization with KVM then

the deployment of the virtual nodes (Compute, Controller, BlockStorage, ObjectStorage).

We will have a multi-node architecture.

  • Manual deployment and configuration of OpenStack services:

Keystone, Glance, Placement, Neutron, Nova, Horizon, Cinder.

  • The deployment of an instance that will be accessible from the Internet.
  • IaaS public (Internet) access.
  • The simulation of a client who will connect from the Internet to the IaaS and create its own VMs.


Introduction for beginner to Openstack Manual install

Training LAB presentation
Networks SetUP and NODES Deployment
Openstack Requirements
Identity Service With Keystone Install on Controller Node
Image Service With Glance Install on Controller Node
Add New Cloud Image Ubuntu and Cirros
Placement install on Controller
Compute Service install on Controller
Compute Service install on Compute Node
Network Service with Neutron install on Controller Node
Network Service with Neutron install on Compute Node
Dashboard service with Horizon install on controller Node