• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Java Programming Course: Learn Development Of JAVA Project

What you will learn

Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers.

Master design principles, best practices and coding conventions for writing well-designed, professional Java code

Gain in-depth understanding of core & advanced features of Java

Master Object-Oriented Programming concepts by using a real-world application as a case study


What is the best programming language” is one of the most heated debates in the software engineering industry. Everyone has their own opinion, and frankly, it’s all completely subjective based on the coding one enjoys.

If you’re considering learning to code to boost your career opportunities and income, it’s important to determine the type of software development you enjoy. Web developers who use languages like JavaScript thrive when a website looks and feels awesome, but cringe at the thought of endless hours crunching code on the server. However server-side developers who use languages like Java and C are less concerned with how a website looks – instead they thrive on the back-end logic and problem solving to make software applications work.

Java is used by companies in tech, government, finance, healthcare, insurance, education, manufacturing, defense and more. 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Java for their backend architecture. Yet because of its speed and scalability, many startups facing rapid growth use Java to power their tools too. According to iDataLabs 70% of companies that use Java are small (<$50M in revenue per year), 8% are medium-sized($50M – $1000M), and 15% are large (>$1000M).

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Oracle estimates that Java runs on over 3 billion devices worldwide – more than any other language. A virtually omnipresent language, it’s used in devices such as smartphones, automobiles, medical devices and E-readers, as well as many of the world’s most prominent websites like eBay, Linkedin, Amazon, Facebook and Google.

Java is used for the Internet of Things and APIs, in big data technologies, e-commerce websites, high frequency financial trading platforms, and scientific applications. As mentioned, Java powers Android, which is the most widely used operating system on earth. It’s the brains behind Gmail, and is even in the Curiosity Rover on Mars.

Java is so widely used, that a video spoof was created depicting a doomsday scenario of what the world would be like without Java. It’s a bit silly, but exemplifies the depth and magnitude of influence Java has on our world.



Create Note It Down Application

Working of the Note It Down
Creating a New Project with Classes
Making of the Notepad Class
Making of the About Class
Customizing the Application
Customizing the Action Listeners
Concluding everything by adding Shortcuts
Download the project files