Day 1: Course Intro: Info & Setup
Welcome to the course (Same as intro)
Download and install XAMPP
Download,install and config code editor
Create necessary folder
Day 2: Create Sign Up with mobile or email and necessary file system
Source code & main resource file
Section resources
Create Sign up html structure
Design Sign up page
Create birthday date using javascript
Understanding form submission process
Connecting site with MYSQL database
Create user database table
Storing and validating input field data
Create User and Post class
Create object in load file
Create check input method
Regular expression to validate email id
Understanding and constructing ‘Create’ method
Inserting data and testing system
Create token system
Completion of sign up system
Day 3: Log in system with email or mobile
Section resource
Log in html structure
Design Log in code
Log in backend development
Day 4: Profile page
Section resource
Create profile page html structure
Design profile topbar left side
Design profile topbar right side
Topbar icon edit
Create system to stay logged in
Get userid by name
Create profile table
Create profile data storing method
Day 5: Cover photo and profile photo system
Section resource
Cover photo design
Cover photo button js
Photo data sent to database
Cover photo completed
Designing profile photo
Profile picture dialogue box
Complete profile photo upload system
Cover bottom part
UserLInk rectification
Day 6: Text and Photo Posting System with emoji
Section resource
Design user intro
Design post box 1
Design post box 2
Design post action area
Set emoji
Use javascript on post button
Post image preview
Create post system 1
Create posting system 2
Create post database
Store post to database
Display post 1
Display post 2
Display post complete
Post image show
Post image show 2
Image post show complete
Write javascript for post edit
Create post edit option
Post edit php
Delete post from timeline
Day 7: React System
Section resource
Create react table
React main html 1
Create Main react count method
Write Javascript for main react
Main react submit
Main react complete
Create system for other react type
Complete other react type system
Day 8: Comment System
Section resource
Create comments table
Create comment method
Write code for comment show part 1
Write code for comment show part 2
Create comment count method
Comment submission process
Fetching last comment and showing react icon
Create functionality to react on comment
Show comment react js php
Comment react completion
Create functionality to edit comment
Create comment update and delete method
Day 9: Reply system
Section resource
Create reply fetch method
Create reply react count and max show method
Create react check method and handling error
Write js and get reply input
Complete reply commenting
Create functionality to submit reply other react type
Write reply react submit process
Error handling and create reply delete system
Completion of reply reacting
Create reply edit option
Create reply edit save and delete option
Reply completion
Reply bug fix
Day 10: Share system
Section resource
Create share option
Create functionality to store and show shared post
Create shared post edit option
Complete share show
Create shared post edit option
Day 11: Live Search
Section resource
Create functionality for live searching
Complete creating live searching system
Day 12: Friend Request System
Section resource
Create request database table
Create request check functionality
Check request status and write js
Write javascript for request cancel and unfriend
Confirm request
Day 13: Follow system
Section resource
Create follow table
Create follow system
Completion of follow system
Create .htaccess file
Day 14: Create About Section
Section resource
Create about category
Write code for other category input field
Write code for other category input field 2
Write javascript for category input field
About category field hidden restore
About section complete
Day 15: Showing friend followers list
Create logout system
Create friend page
Create method to show friend list
Display friend list
Display follow list
Switch frend follower-js
Display timeline photos in photo tab
Day 16: Messaging system
Section resource
Create message table
Load user data
Create method to load last user with message data
Create messenger interface
Write js for messenger user list
Create single user box
Create message data method
Show message
Send message data in database
Activate text area message input and set emoji
Send message data with emoji
Load message and search user
Show message from search result
Message complete
Day 17: Notification system
Section resource
Create notification table
Notification data store
Create and work with notification method
Create notification interface
CSS solve
Write javascript for notification
Notification count show
Design and activate notification icon
Request list show
Request notification done
Create post page
Create notification for message
Message notification complete
Day 18: Create Home page
Section resource
php file separation
php file separation 2
Create Home page
Day 19: Account Setting
Section resource
Create settings option
Design settings page
Create userlink setting
Create settings for mobile
Create settings for email
Password reset settings
Day 20: Blocking system
Section resource
Create block table
Create block button
Write js and create method for blocking system
Block message show
Completion of blocking system
Bonus: Mention system
Source code
Create method to display suggest users
Mention data sent to database
Mention system complete
Conclusion – You made it.