• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Create an API step by step using MariaDB ,Python,Django and REST Framework

What you will learn

Create and activate a virtual environment

Install Django in a virtual environment

Install REST Framework

Create Django Project

Create Django App

Setup MariaDB with Django

Create Database Model

Create Model Objects

Create and run migrations

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Create Serializer Class

Create Views

Map Views to URLS

Test API with Postman


API stands for Application Programming Interface.

An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you’re requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.

When we are building APIs, we want our models to provide four basic types of functionality. The model must be able to Create, Read, Update,and Delete resources.

In this course, we are going to build an API using the following technology:

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • MariaDB
  • mysqlclient adapter
  • django-cors-headers

What You Will Learn :

  • How to Create and activate a virtual environment
  • How to install Django
  • How to install Django REST Framework
  • How to Create a new Django Project
  • How to Create a new Django App
  • How to register applications with Django
  • How to setup  MySQL Database with Django
  • How to create and run Migrations
  • How to Create a Django Model
  • How to define Data Models and migrate it to MySQL
  • How to Create and apply a new migration
  • How to Create a serializer class
  • How to Create views
  • How to Map views to URLs
  • How to Create Model Objects
  • How to test API with CRUD Operations
  • How to use Django Rest Framework to process HTTP requests
  • How to create CRUD operations interacting with API using Postman



Install Python
Create a virtual environment
Install Django
Install REST framework

MariaDB Database Django Setup

Create Django Project
Create a Django App
Install MariaDB
Register Applications
MariaDB Database Django Setup
Apply Django Migrations

Model and Serializer

Create a model
Create and apply migration
Create serializer class

Views and URLS

Development Server
Create a superuser account
Create views -Part 1
Create views -Part 2
Map views to URLS
Register Model
Create Model Objects
Install Postman
Test API with CRUD Operations