2022 Electronics
What you will learn
What is Boolean Algebra & who discovered it
Need of Boolean Algebra in Digital Electronics
Rules In Boolean Algebra
Boolean Postulates
Associative Law along with its Proof
Distributive Law along with its Proof
Distributive Law along with its Proof
Principle of Duality along with solved questions
Complement Law along with explanation
ANDing Laws
ORing Laws
How to reduce / solve a given Boolean Algebraic expression (3 examples)
3 Test Questions
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About me :
Hello , my name is Riya Pal . I am Electronics Engineer by profession. I have more than eight years of experience in the field of thermal management, power electronics, heat sink designing, computer architecture & programming languages. Apart from this, I have published nine research papers at various/different international levels. Currently , I teach power electronics and also handle projects for students and does seminars on power electronics . Last but not the least, I am teaching as an instructor in Udemy.
About this course :
Boolean algebra is that branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are either true or false, usually denoted by zero and one respectively. Instead of elementary algebra, where the values of the variables are numbers and the prime operations are addition and multiplication, the main operations of boolean algebra are the conjunction (and) , the disjunction (or) , and the negation (not). It is thus a formalism for describing logical operations, in the same way that elementary algebra describes numerical operations. Boolean algebra was introduced by George Boole in his first book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic. In boolean algebra there exist various postulates /laws such as identity , idempotent , null , inverse , commutative , associative , distributive , principle of duality , the law of complement and also demorgan’s theorems . All these you will study in depth in this course.
Boolean algebra, deals with zero, one and set of logic gates that operates upon binary numbers. With the knowledge of boolean algebra we can design an interconnection of logic gates which can give desired outputs for given inputs. This is the way adder, multipliers etc are made. Once we develop design we can implement it using transistors and embed it inside.