• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Epistle of Jude; Learn how to apply this letter to life for maximum transformation. Use this letter to achieve growth!

What you will learn

Learn how the book of Jude provides insights not found within other books of the Bible

Life Lessons you can apply today for effective Christian living

Actively engage in GOD’s plan through this book

Live an uncompromising life by following the pattern of Jude

Understand the differences between Jude and 2 Peter

Learn how the message of Jude fits with other Bible Books


The Book of Jude is one of the shortest books of the New Testament. Written by the brother of our Lord JesusΒ  and the brother of James; the book appears just before the book of Revelation in our bibles.

Its size must not be mistaken for its potency – small in size yet packs a very big punch. Although the book mirrors much of the content in 2 Peter it provides many unique features of its own. For example it is from this book that we learn that Enoch was a prophet and spoke in Genesis about the occurrences in the book of Revelation. Secondly, it is the book of Jude that chronicles the dispute between Satan and Arch Angel Michael about the body of Moses.

Such delightful insights are not limited to the aforesaid.

Why you should take this course

The course covers content you will not find in other Bible Study course because we major on the life lessons and new insights. Β Taking this course will give you an in-depth knowledge about the Book of Jude and how it fits with other books of the Bible. You will be actively engaging with life lessons you can immediately apply so that you can improve your walk with the LORD


What is the course about?

The course begins with a brief summary by answering the following questions::

  1. What is the epistle of Jude about
  2. When was the epistle of Jude written
  3. Who is the author of the epistle of Jude
  4. What is the purpose of the letter of Jude
  5. What are the unique features of the letter of Jude

After this brief introduction we then go into the major part of the course which is the life lessons. What the lessons do is to teach truths from key parts of the book and then apply them to our day to day living.

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How the course is structured

The course starts with a summary of the book then the 7 Lessons which are split into 7 sections. Each section has an introduction then the Lesson and the section conclusion. When the lessons are completed we round up with the summary of the Book of Jude.


Important information before you enrol:

  • You are covered byΒ a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
  • You also haveΒ unlimited, lifetime access to the course!
  • You will enjoyΒ free access to any updates I will provide
  • You are free toΒ ask any questions and will get a reply as soon as possible


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Course Introduction & Summary

What To Expect

What Is The Epistle of Jude About?

What Is The Purpose of The Letter of Jude? – Who, Why & When?
What The Letter of Jude Is Best Known For? – Unique Features of The Book!

Saved To Fight

Lecture Introduction
Fight The Good Fight!
Are You A Spectator Or Contender
Lecture Conclusion
The Fighter

Saved and Built Up

Lecture Introduction
Supercharge Your Prayer Life
Lecture Conclusion
First things

Saved and Word

Lecture Introduction
Empowering The Will Of GOD In Your Life
Experience GOD’s Manifestation In Your Situation
Lecture Conclusion
GOD’s will

Saved To Save Others

L:ecture Introduction
Time For Reconciliation
Lecture Conclusion
Ministry for all

Saved To Prophesy

Lecture Introduction
Accessing Your Prophetic Gift!
Lecture Conclusion

Saved To Abstain

Lecture Introduction
Sin Gets Progressively Worse!
Lecture Conclusion
Doesn’t matter how I live

Saved To Be Saved

Lecture Introduction
The Double Sided Coin
Lecture Conclusion
GOD is able to keep me!

Book Conclusion – What Have We Gained From The Letter of Jude?

Moving On From Here!

Bonus Lecture!

Future Plans