Useful information about Reiki healing that should know everybody, who thinks about course of first degree of Reiki

What you will learn

What is Reiki therapy

What is Reiki energy

What you can do after good course of Reiki healing 1st degree

Why it is useful to remove negative energies and energize food, things, beverages

Why it is useful to remove negative energies from rooms, flats and houses

What results you can get healing plants with Reiki energy

What results you can get healing animals with Reiki energy

What results you can get healing people with Reiki energy

What you will learn on my Reiki therapy 1st degree course

Why take this course?

This course is for you if:

  • you would like to get know something more about Reiki therapy and Reiki energy,
  • you think about a course of Reiki therapy first degree, but you are not sure yet if it is for you,
  • you would like to participate in Reiki course, but at first you would like to get know more about it, what is it, what benefits it can give you and what is is about.

In this course you will learn among others:

  • what is Reiki therapy,
  • what is Reiki energy,
  • what are your possibilities after course of the 1st degree of Reiki therapy,
  • how Reiki energy differs from other energies,
  • how Reiki therapy differs from other biotherapies,
  • what are benefits of Reiki healing,
  • what are purposes and benefits of removing negative energies and energizing food, things and beverages  with Reiki energy,
  • what are purposes and benefits of removing negative energies from rooms, houses and flats with Reiki energy,
  • what can be results of healing plants with Reiki therapy,
  • what can be results of healing animals with Reiki therapy,
  • what can be results of healing people – including you – with Reiki therapy,

and much more.

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I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 5000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.

I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (“Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia”, Helion publishing house), “Atlas amuletów i talizmanów” (SBM publishing house – a book about amulets and talismans and working with them), “Same marzenia nie wystarczą” – Zlote Mysli publishing house – a book about achieving aims, “Heal your emotions”  (as Victoria Wolf), “Jak umysł wpływa na zdrowie: (“The influence of your mind on your health”) and others.

Stay healthy and be happy!

