Understand and implement basic Python code
Create and run a real-world Python program
Access and parse the web with Python
Manage a database and remote server
Run code via a VPS
Create a website with Python
Visualize multiple forms of both 2D and 3D graphs, like line graphs, scatter plots, bar charts, and more
Load data from files or from internet sources for data visualization.
Load data from files or from internet sources for data visualization
Customize graphs, modifying colors, lines, fonts, and more
Visualize Geographical data on maps
Input and output data from a variety of data types
Visualize,combine and manipulate dataset
Develop in the real world using Python Django
Create Django web applications to solve a multitude of problems or needs
Python programming is one of the most demanded skill sets in today’s job market, and for good reason. Python allows you to do just about anything you can think of; web development, data analytics, game development – even controlling robots!
This Python Programming Professional Bundle is designed to get you up to speed with all the major Python skills you need right now. Learn on your own time and at your own pace, just be sure to learn this stuff.
What Can You Learn?
Python Programming for Beginners: If your knowledge of Python and programming is limited β or even non-existent β then this course is the perfect starting point for you. You’ll be guided through the installation process and the various features and functions of Python, and then you’ll put your knew found knowledge to practical use by solving ‘real life’ programming problems. Ideal for both programming beginners or experienced programmers new to Python.
Python Web Programming: Python is one of the most concise and easily understood programming languages out there, and one of its most popular applications is the web. This is the definitive python web programming course, designed for programmers, web developers, app creators, and anyone who wants to become ‘code literate’. Not only will you acquire an in-depth understanding of the programming language and its application for the web, you’ll get hands-on experience building programs too.
Python Game Development: Create a Flappy Bird Clone: As well as web development, data visualisation and analysis, and a host of other applications, Python is a programming language perfectly suited to game development. With this course, you’ll learn the easy way. Rather than working through hours of lectures and exercises, you’ll literally create a game as you go. Who said picking up new skills can’t be fun?
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Data Visualisation with Python and Matplotlib: Companies are finally waking up to the benefits that big data and data analysis can have for their business. However, the majority of them lack the know-how to turn this data into something easily understood, readable, and presentable. That’s where data visualisation comes in. Using Python in conjunction with Matplotlib, you can create just about any 2D or 3D graphs, bar charts, scatter plots, and more.
Data Analysis with Python and Pandas: Data analysis is one of the most sought-after skills from the biggest companies in the world, and guesses what? Python can be used to do it. Working with Pandas, you’ll learn how to import and export data in a wide variety of forms, and organise and manipulate it into whatever way you need. Combined with our Data Visualisation with Python course below, it’s all your need to become a genuine data guru.
Learn Python Django from Scratch: If you already have some experience with Python, web development or both, then this is the perfect course to take your expertise to the next level. Working in conjunction with Django you’ll create a website from scratch featuring map integration, e-commerce functionality and a host of other complex features. Master this skillset, and you’ll be all set to take the web by storm with database-driven yet simple and beautiful sites.
Go Where the Money is
Companies such as Google, Yahoo!, Disney, Nokia, and IBM all use Python. In fact, among programming languages, Python had the largest year-on-year job demand growth β at 19% β as of March 2013. This growth has been increasing ever since. Notably, the overall hiring demand for IT professionals dipped year over year by 5% as of January 2014, except for Python programmers which increased by 8.7%. In New York, Python developers ranked #8 of the most in-demand tech workers, making an average of $106k/year. On the other side of the Atlantic, Python programmers also enjoy a strongly rising demand for their skills as shown by the following graph.
Python programming for beginners
Print and Strings
While Loops
For Loops
If Statements
If Else Statements
If Elif Else Statements
Function Parameters
Global and Local Variables
Common Python Errors
Writing to a File
Appending to a File
Reading From a File
Input and Statistics
Import Syntax
Making Modules
Error Handling – Try and Accept
Lists vs Tuples and List Manipulation
Final Project
Final Project Solution
Python web programming
Python Programming Introduction
Object Oriented Programming Part 1
Object Oriented Programming Part 2
Modules Part1
Modules Part2
Python Programming Recap
Basic Database (SQLite) with Python Introduction
SQLite Introduction
Creating Database And Table
Inserting Data
Inserting Dynamic Data
Reading Data
Limit, Update, and Delete
Basic Database (SQLite) with Python Recap
Using Python with the Internet Introduction
urllib module
urllib headers
XML Intro
Parsing XML
Using Python with the Internet Recap
Working with HTML Introduction
Web Page Structure
Web Page Structure 2
Nav bar
HTMLβs body
Comments, footers, and divs
Parsing Paragraph Data
Working with HTML Recap
Intro to Web Server Programming
Creating a VPS
Interacting with our VPS
Web Server Programming Recap
MySQL database with Python Introduction
MySQL basics
MySQL Part 2
Database Connection
Inserting into Database
Adding logic to insert
MySQL database with Python Recap
Python’s Flask Web development Framework Introduction
Flask setup
Flask backend setup
Basic Website
Templates and Errors
Variables And Logic
Bootstrap incorporation
More on Bootstrap
Adding more pages to our site
Extending Templates
Additional Information
Section Conclusion
Data visualization with python and matplotlib
Getting Matplotlib And Setting Up
Different types of basic Matplotlib charts Introduction
Basic matplotlib graph
Labels, titles and window buttons
Bar Charts
Scatter Plots
Stack Plots
Pie Chart
Loading data from a CSV
Loading data with NumPy
Different types of basic Matplotlib charts Recap
Basic Customization Options Introduction
Source for our Data*
Parsing stock prices from the internet*
Plotting basic stock data*
Modifying labels and adding a grid*
Converting from unix time and adjusting subplots*
Customizing ticks
Fills and Alpha
Add, remove, and customize spines*
Candlestick OHLC charts*
Styles with Matplotlib*
Creating our own Style*
Live Graphs*
Adding and placing text*
Annotating a specific plot*
Dynamic annotation of last price*
Basic Customization Options Recap
Advanced Customization Options Introduction
Basic subplot additions*
Subplot2grid *
Incorporating changes to candlestick graph*
Creating moving averages with our data*
Adding a High minus Low indicator to graph*
Customizing the dates that show*
Label and Tick customizations*
Share X axis*
Multi Y axis*
Customizing Legends*
Advanced Customization Options Recap
Geographical Plotting with Basemap Introduction
Downloading and installing Basemap
Basic basemap example
Customizing the projection
More customization, like colors, fills, and forms of boundaries
Plotting Coordinates*
Connecting Coordinates*
Geographical Plotting with Basemap Recap
3D graphing Introduction
Basic 3D graph example using wire_frame
3D scatter plots
3D Bar Charts
More advanced Wireframe example
3D graphing Recap
Section Conclusion
Data analysis with python and pandas
Getting Pandas and Fundamentals
Introduction to Pandas
Creating and Navigating a Dataframe
Slices, head and tail
Visualizing The Data
Converting To Python List Or Pandas Series
Pandas Recap
IO Tools Introduction
Read Csv And To Csv
io operations
Read_hdf and to_hdf
Read Json And To Json
Read Pickle And To Pickle
IO Tools Recap
Pandas Operations Introduction
Column Manipulation (Operatings on columns, creating new ones)
Column and Dataframe logical categorization
Statistical Functions Against Data
Moving and rolling statistics
Rolling apply
Pandas Operations Recap
Handling for Missing Data / Outliers Introduction
Filling Forward And Backward Na
Detecting outliers
Handling for Missing Data / Outliers Recap
Combining Dataframes Introduction
Appending data frames
Merging dataframes
Joining dataframes
Combining Dataframes Recap
Advanced Operations Introduction
Basic Sorting
Sorting by multiple rules
Resampling basics time and how (mean, sum etc)
Resampling to ohlc
Correlation And Covariance Part1
Correlation and Covariance part 2
Mapping custom functions
Graphing percent change of income groups
Buffering Basics
Buffering Into And Out Of Hdf5
Advanced Operations Recap
Working with Databases Introduction
Writing to reading from database into a data frame
Resampling data and preparing graph
Finishing Manipulation And Graph
Section Conclusion
Learn Python Django From Scratch
Overview of Final Project
Introduction to Django
Django Installation and Configuration
MVC Applied to Django
Basic Views and Templates
Models, Database and Migration
Django Recap
Creating a User Authentication System Introduction
Setting up a simple user authentication system
Login and session variables
Social registration: Allowing user to register with their preexisting social
Creating a User Authentication System Recap
Frontending Introduction
Template language and static files usage
Twitter Bootstrap Integration
Static File Compression and Template Refactoring
Frontending Recap
E-Commerce Introduction
Preparing The Storefront
Adding a Shopping Cart
PayPal Integration
Stripe Integration with Ajax
E-Commerce Recap
File Uploading, Ajax and E-mailing Introduction
File Uploading
Working with Forms
Advanced e-mailing
File Uploading, Ajax and E-mailing Recap
Geolocation and Map Integration Introduction
Adding a Map Representation
Advanced Map Usage
Geolocation and Map Integration Recap
Django Power-Ups: Services and Signals Introduction
Building a Web Service with Tastypie
Django Signals
Django Power-Ups: Services and Signals Recap
Testing Your Site Introduction
Adding the debug toolbar
Unit testing
Testing Your Site Recap
Section Conclusion
Python game development – Create a flappy bird clone
Introduction to the Section & the Game
Graphics Setup
Creating Input Controls
Boundaries, Crash Events and Menu Creation
Creating Obstacles Using Polygons
Game Logic – Using Block Logic
Game Logic – Success Or Failure
Creating the Score Display
Adding Colors and Difficulty Levels
Python Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals
Installing Python IDE
Essential Constructs Introduction
Class Construct
The Special __init__ Method
Class Variables
Obtaining Class Attribute Values
The Main Method
Essential Constructs Recap
Exercise 1 Live Demo
Project Explanation
The Python Object Introduction
How to Create an Object
Obtaining Object Attributes
Changing Object Attribute Values
Accessing Objects Methods Part 1
Accessing Objects Methods Part 2
The PHP Object Recap
Exercise 2 Live Demo
Project Explanation
The Constructor/Destructor Magic Methods Introduction
The Constructor Part 1
The Constructor Part 2
Public Access modifiers
Private Access Modifiers
The Constructor/Destructor Magic Methods Recap
Exercise 3 Live Demo
Project Explanation
Class Inheritance Introduction
Building The Child Class Part 1
Building The Child Class Part 2
Building The Child Class Part 3
Building The Parent Class Part 1
Building The Parent Class Part 2
Importing Classes
Overriding Methods
Class Inheritance Recap
Exercise 4 Live Demo
Project Explanation
Final Project Live Demo
Final Project Explanation Part 1
Final Project Explanation Part 2
Section Conclusion
Python Scrapy
Scrapy Introduction
Text Extraction
Scrapy Execution
Scraping with CSS
Another XPath Scrape
Project Instructions
Project Solution
Section Summary
Python Scipy
Basic Computations
Complex Functions
Double Integrals
Project (Linear Algebra)
Section Summary
Python NumPy
What is Numpy
Basic Mathematics
Tour of Numpy I
Tour of Numpy II
Eigen Values
Project (Determinants)
Section Summary
Python iPython
Module Introduction
iPython Introduction
Python Basics I
Python Basics II
Airplane Factory I
Airplane Factory II
Graphics I
Graphics II
Project I
Project II
Module Summary
Python BeautifulSoup
Module Introduction
Simple HTML Parsing I
Simple HTML Parsing II
Walking the Tree
Real Webpage Extraction
Module Summary
Course Summary