Master all the English grammar tenses and structures rules

What you will learn

Present simple tense and how to use it.

Present continuous tense and when you use it.

Differentiate between the present simple and the present continuous.

Past simple tense and how to form it.


The course has 14 sections. They display the different grammar rules in a funny way that depends on the animated cartoons. These 14 sections have 96 lectures. These 96 lectures have 2 hours of video content. This course takes you from level 1 to be a professional in the English grammar.




Causative Form


Present & Past Tenses

Future, Imperative & Modal verbs

Interrogative & Negative Forms

Reported Speech


Reported Statement

Reporting Statement,1

Reporting Statements, 2

must & Conditional Sentences

Time Expressions

Time Expressions & Modals

Conditional Sentences Type 2 and 3

The Past Progressive

Tenses, adverbs

Reporting Verbs

Reporting verbs & questions

Reported Questions

Reporting Questions & Reporting Commands and Requests

Reporting Commands and Requests


Prepositions of time (at/on)

Prepositions of time (in/ during…….)

Prepositions of time (on/in/by)

Prepositions of time (until / till)

Prepositions of time (in/at) the beginning/the end

Prepositions of time (for/since)

Prepositions of place (over/ under/near…….)

Prepositions of place ( on/ in/at…….)

Prepositions of movement (to/ into/ off……..)

Prepositions of movement (up/ down/ across…..)

Prepositions of movement (notes)

Prepositions of place ( in/into/on…..)

Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses (who/which/that……)

Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs

Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs (whose/where/when……)

Defining Relative clauses

Defining Relative clauses (who/which/that)

Defining Relative clauses (whose / where)

Non-defining Relative clauses

In non-defining relative Clauses (who/which)


Clauses of Reason (because/ as)

Clauses of Result

Clauses of Result, 2

Clauses of Result (Such + a / an…..)

Clauses of Concession

Concession of Concession, 2

Exclamatory Clauses

Both, All, Neither, None, Either

Both & All

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Both & All, Notes

Neither & None

Neither & None, Notes


Double Conjunctions

Double Conjunctions, 2

Present Simple & Present Progressive (Continuous)

Present Simple, Usage

Present Simple, Forms

Present Progressive, Usage

Present Progressive, Forms

Stative Verbs

Past Simple & Past Continuous

Past Simple, Usage & Forms

Past Progressive, Usage & Forms

Stative & Time linkers

Adjectives & Adverbs

Adjectives, Definition

Adjectives & Adverbs, Cases

Adjectives, Notes

Adjectives of Frequency and Degree

Adjectives of Frequency and Degree, Notes

Comparative and Superlative Form

Irregular & Other forms of comparative and Superlative Forms

The -ing form




Special Cases

Special Cases, 2

Special Cases, 3






Perfect Infinitive


The indefinite article a/an, Usage

The definite article the, Usage

The definite article the, Usage 2

The definite article the, Usage 3

The definite article the, Non-usage

The definite article the, Non-usage 2

The definite article the, Non-usage 3


Countable nouns, Regular plural forms

Countable nouns, irregular plural forms

Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns, Special cases

Compound nouns

Future Forms


Going to

Future Progressive

Future Perfect Simple

Future Perfect Progressive

Time Clauses