• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Super Easy Way To Learn Arabic Language Basics – How To

What you will learn


Speak Arabic with more confidence and clarity

Use the target Arabic with precision

Have deeper knowledge of Arabic and how it works

know more about arab cultures



Update | Date: November 20th, 2021.

If you have any questions/comments please, do not hesitate to contact me. Good Luck!


The Arabic language is not easy to learn but, it depends on the way of learning.

In this course, you will learn a lot through a nice way of teaching and nice lecture slides design to help you start speaking Arabic with more confidence.

This course includes: 

  • Background: Culture and History
  • Basics of the Arabic language.
  • Numbers ( with a song ).
  • Alphabet / Letters.
  • Most common greetings.
  • Most common conversations.
  • PDF downloadsand a lot more.

Each section focuses on a carefully selected area of the course so that you can master each area and speak Arabic more accurately,

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If you want to speak Arabic more clearly, if you want to understand more native-like, or if you simply want to experience the Arabic language and your knowledge about it, this course can help you achieve some steps of your goal of taking your Arabic to the next level.

What are the requirements?

  • A desire to expand your horizons about the Arab culture and history.
  • A desire to improve your Arabic through practice.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Speak Arabic with more confidence and clarity.
  • Have a deeper knowledge of Arabic and how it works.
  • Confident to use the language in greetings, numbers, and common conversations.
  • Understand the areas of Arabic that must be mastered to become more fluent.
  • The tools to develop even more.

What is the target audience?

  • Take this course if you want to discover more about the Arab cultures, history, and background.
  • Take this course if you want to learn in all areas of Arabic: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening.
  • Take this course if you want to take your Arabic to the next level.

Thank you (Shukran) for reading and see you in the course!.




Instructor introduction
Intro – Mukadd’ima
Practice Numbers
Numbers Song
Numbers Song MP3
Days of the week
Days of the week
The letters (alphabet)
The letters | One
alphabet song
alphabet song MP3
How To say As-Salamu Alaikum
Greetings Quiz
Arabic Community
General Conversations
General Conversation – Part On
General Conversation – Part Two
General Conversation – Part Three
General Conversation – Part Four
General Conversation – Part Five
Basics of grammar
Basics of grammar
Common Arabic Words and arab cultures
Common Arabic Words
Useful Sentences
informations about the culture
some informations about arab cultures 1
some informations about arab cultures 2
Bonus Lecture