• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Basic English- Parts of Speech- In Hindi
English Grammar in Hindi for beginners.

What you will learn

Basic English Grammar

Parts of Speech

Types / Uses

Details explanation of each parts of speech with pictorial presentaion.


  1.   Noun ( संज्ञा )
  2. Pronoun ( सर्वनाम )
  3. Verb ( क्रिया )
  4. Adjective ( विशेषण )
  5. Adverb ( क्रियाविशेषण )
  6. Preposition ( संबंध सूचक )
  7. Conjunction ( संयोजक )
  8. Interjection ( विस्मयादिबोधक )

All parts of Speech in English Grammar in Hindi ( Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction, Adverb and Interjection )In this video, I have explained to you how to use parts of speech and where to use them. Excellent tips and strategies to make sure you not only understand but remember all parts of speech permanently. Listen to the video often, and you will never get any part of the speech wrong in future.  Moreover, pictorial representation makes the lessons easier and more interactive so you dont feel bored but have fun learning. After this course, you will never feel confused about parts of speech and will use them without any problem. Parts of speech are the first step towards the English journey which lay the foundation of your path. So this is very important to have strong knowledge of this part to avoid any difficulties and challenges in future. I hope this lesson will help you to clear all doubts and questions you have, however, if you have any suggestions or queries feel free to drop the comments and I would love to reply to all your queries.

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Parts of speech / Hindi / English

Set your English Goals
In Hindi- Parts of Speech / Types of Parts of Speech
Noun / Hindi
Pronoun / Hindi
Verb /Hindi
Adjective /Hindi
Adverb /Hindi
Conjunction / Hindi
Interjection / Hindi