• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Master asynchronous javascript in no time, Write asynchronous JavaScript using promises and async await syntax!

What you will learn

You’ll learn what is Node js and how to install it and use it.

You’ll learn how to write asynchronous JavaScript with the Promises Syntax.

You’ll learn how to write clean, scalable code with the newer async_await syntax!

Stress-test your knowledge with quizzes that help commit syntax to memory

Don’t worry if you don’t Know Node, because you will be so familiar with it before start our asynchronous programming course.


Asynchronous JavaScript can be tricky even for experienced developers, but it’s part of what makes JavaScript such a powerful and efficient programming language.

Understanding the asynchronous nature of Javascript is key to mastering the language.

Working with asynchronous code in JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone working with JavaScript. This course will take you from a beginner or intermediate level to mastering asynchronous JavaScript.

In this course you’ll learn how to create and use JavaScript Promises as well as how to write clean, scalable code with the newer async_await syntax!

This course is designed to take someone with a beginner level knowledge of async programming and turn them into an expert.

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We do this by starting off very simple, explaining the core concepts.

Then step by step adding in layers of knowledge, punctuated by quizzes and coding challenges to cement and your knowledge before moving onto the next section.

With this course you are going to learn beyond just the basics like most online courses. You won’t just learn patterns, techniques and best practices. You are going to understand the “why” of the toughest part of the language, to the point that when you get asked any question about Javascript in an interview or in a meeting, you will be able to explain concepts that would truly make people see that you are a senior javascript programmer.

Most importantly, you will become a top 10% javascript developer by going beyond the superficial basics that a lot of courses cover. We are going to dive deep and come out the other end a confident advanced javascript developer. I guarantee it. Whether you are a web developer, a React, Angular, Vue.js developer (frontend developer), or a Node.js backend developer, you will benefit from this course because Javascript is at the core of these professions.



Introduction to Node.js

What is Node
Node Architecture
How Node Works
Installing Node
Your first Node app
Global Object
Creating and loading a module

JavaScript Promises

What is a Promise
Constructing a Promise Object
The Node setTimeout function
Consuming Promises
onFulFilled and onRejected
Using catch with Promises
Chaining Multiple Promises
Avoiding Common Mistakes
Using Promise all

Async – Await

The async Keyword
The await Operator
Writing async Functions
Handling Dependent Promises