Learn Artificial Intelligence with Python. Create Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications with Python


Are you ready to master Artificial Intelligence skills?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

It is the simulation of natural intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans. These machines are able to learn with experience and perform human-like tasks. As technologies such as AI continue to grow,

they will have a great impact on our quality of life.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the top tech fields to be in right now!

Financial institutions, legal institutions, media companies, and insurance companies are all figuring out ways to use artificial intelligence (ai) to their advantage. From fraud detection to writing news stories with natural language processing(NLP) and reviewing law briefs, AI’s reach is extensive.

If you want to build super-powerful applications in artificial intelligence(ai).

Then, you are at the right place.

This course will provide you with in-depth knowledge on a very hot topic i.e., Artificial Intelligence(AI).

The purpose of this course is to provide you with knowledge of key aspects of modern AI without any intimidating mathematics and in a practical, easy, and fun way. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience using real-world datasets.

This course will cover the following topics:-

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP).

2. Artificial Neural Network (ANN).

3. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

4. Recurrent Neural Network. (RCN)

5. Machine Learning (ML).

6. Deep Learning (DL).

This course will take you through the basics to an advanced level in all the mentioned four topics.

After taking this course, you will be confident enough to work independently on any projects on these topics.

There are lots and lots of exercises for you to practice In this Python Data Science Course and also a  5 Bonus Data Science Project “Sentiment Analysis“, “Drug Prescription“, “Detecting Pneumonia from X-rays“, “Stock Market Prediction”, “Fruits Recognition” and “Face emotion Recognition“.

In this Sentiment Analysis project, you will learn how to Extract and Scrap Data from Social Media Websites and Extract out Beneficial Information from these Data for Driving Huge Business Insights.

In this Drug Prescription project, you will learn how to Deal with Data having Textual Features, you will also learn NLP Techniques to transform and Process the Data to find out Important Insights.

In this Detecting Pneumonia from X-rays project, you will learn how to solve Image Classification Tasks using Deep Neural Networks such as ResNet which is a High Level CNN Architectures.

In this Stock Market Prediction project, you will learn to analyze and the Stock Market Prices using Time Series Forecasting, Advanced Deep Learning Models and different Statistical features.

In this Fruits Recognition project, you will learn how to solve a complicated Image Classification Task with Multiple Classes using various Deep Learning Architectures and Compare the Result.

In this Face Expression Recognizer project, you will learn to use Computer Vision Techniques to detect Human Emotions such as Angry, Sad, Happy, Disgust, Fear etc. to build a Facial Emotion Detector.

You will have access to all the resources used in this course.

Hanisha8 August 2021

I liked the way they teach the course but my questions aren’t being replied quick. I hope you please look over my concern and let me know within how much my questions/doubts will be replied.

Jatin20 June 2021

This is a superb course, if you want to learn Artificial Intelligence. There are quizzes after every topic which helps in the better understanding of each concept. And the doubt solving facility is brilliant. I have seen many courses on AI but this is the best one by far. First of all, they have explained Python and then after that they started AI, so if a beginner also wants to join this course, he/can easily grasp each and every thing from scratch.

Muhammad24 May 2021

This course is from zero level to advanced. the only course on udemy platform which is explained in detail and in simple and easy way. Moreover the advantage is that you have not only theoretical knowledge but also practical. The quiz section make student more curious to learn it in depth. One thing I would certainly add you have 6 free project including their codes also. I would highly prefer beginners student who are planning their career in this field, should start from this course. thanks

Vishal22 May 2021

My favorite video of all was on Data Processing and Data cleaning. Cleared the concept in very simple way. Definitely would recommend it.

Sidd22 May 2021

for a computer science student like us its Amazing as we float through different part of course very easily but a newbie to computer science might have to make a little more effort to go through.

Swastik22 May 2021

Till now I am feeling statisfied with this course 🙂 , and I wish I can learn more and more , with more than hours assingned here, , I want more videos from this teacher 🙂

Praveen22 May 2021

Thanks for this course. All the lectures awesome and neatly explained about the python and artificial intelligence projects.

Jugkapong21 May 2021

Very good course to learn Python and
Datascience. This course is well structured ,well explained and good learning media. Easy to understood and enjoyed learning.

Franz21 May 2021

Fue bueno, por lo menos lo que vi hasta ahora. Daré una opinión más completa cuando termine el curso. Muchas gracias.




Python Fundamentals

Why should you learn Python?

Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook

Naming Convention for variables

Built in Data Types and Type Casting

Scope of Variables

Quiz on Variables and Data Types

Quiz Solution

Arithmetic and Assignment Operators

Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators

Identity and Membership Operators

Quiz on Operators

Quiz Solution

String Formatting

String Methods

User Input

Quiz on Strings

Quiz Solution

If, elif, and else

For and While

Break and Continue

Quiz on Loops and conditionals

Quiz Solution

Python for Data Analysis

Differences between Lists and Tuples

Operations on Lists

Operations on Tuples

Quiz on Lists and Tuples

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Dictionaries

Operations on Dictionaries

Nested Dictionaries

Introduction to Sets

Set Operations

Quiz on Sets and Dictionaries

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Stacks and Queues

Implementing Stacks and Queues using Lists

Implementing Stacks and Queues using Deque

Quiz on Stacks and Queues

Quiz Solution

Time Complexity

Linear Search

Binary Search

Bubble Sort

Insertion and Selection Sort

Merge Sort

Quiz on Searching, Sorting, and Time Complexity

Quiz Solution

Python Functions Deep Dive

Introduction to Functions

Default Parameters in Functions

Positional Arguments

Keyword Arguments

Python Modules

Quiz on Introduction to Functions

Quiz Solution

Lambda Functions

Filter, Map, and Zip Functions

List, set, and Dictionary Comprehensions

Quiz on Anonymous Functions

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Aggregate Functions

Introduction to Analytical Functions

Quiz on In Built Functions

Quiz Solution

Solving the Factorial Problem using Recursion

Solving the Fibonacci Problem using Recursion

Quiz on Recursions

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Classes and Objects




Quiz on Classes and Objects

Quiz Solution

Python for Data Science

Introduction to datetime

The date and time class

The datetime class

The timedelta class

Quiz on Dates and Times

Quiz Solution

Meta Characters for Regular Expressions

Built-in Functions for Regular Expressions

Special Characters for Regular Expressions

Sets for Regular Expressions

Quiz on Regular Expressions

Quiz Solution

Array Creation using Numpy

Mathematical Operations using Numpy

Built-in Functions in Numpy

Quiz on Introduction to Numpy

Quiz Solution

Reading Datasets using Pandas

Plotting Data in Pandas

Indexing, Selecting, and Filtering Data using Pandas

Merging and Concatenating DataFrames

Lambda, Map, and Apply Functions

Quiz on Introduction to Pandas

Quiz Solution

Data Cleaning

Causes and Impact of Missing Values

Types of Missing Values

When should we delete the missing values

Imputing missing values with the business logic

Imputing missing values with Mean/Median/Mode

Imputing missing values in a real-time scenario

Quiz on Missing Values Imputation

Quiz Solution

How outliers can be harmful for machine learning models

Finding out outliers from the data

Using Winsorization to deal with outliers

Deleting and Capping the outliers

Dealing with outliers in a real-world scenario

Quiz on Outliers Treatment

Quiz Solution

Introduction to reindex, set_index, reset_index, and sort_index Functions

Introduction to Replace and Drop level Function

Introduction to Split and Strip Function

Introduction to Stack, and Unstack Functions

Introduction to Melt, Explode, and Squeeze Functions

Data Cleaning on Big Mart Dataset

Data Cleaning on Movie Dataset

Data Cleaning on Melbourne Housing Dataset

Data Cleaning on Naukri Dataset

Data Processing

Types of Encoding Techniques

Label Encoding

Feature Mapping for Ordinal Variables

OneHot Encoding

Binary and BaseN Encoding

Mean and Frequency Encoding

Quiz on Dealing with Categorical data

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Skewness and Normal Distribution

Square and Cube Root Transformation

Log Transformation

BoxCox transformation

Quiz on Data Transformation

Quiz Solution

Train, Test and Validation Split

Standardization and Normalization

Quiz on Data Splitting and Feature Scaling

Quiz Solution

Introduction to Machine Learning

How Industries are using Machine learning

Supervised Vs Unsupervised Techniques

Classification Vs Regression

Quiz on Introduction to Machine Learning

Quiz Solution

Modelling with Linear Regression

Introduction to Linear Regression

Implementing Linear Regression using Sklearn

Feature Selection using RFECV

Data Transformation with Linear Regression

Applying Cross Validation

Analyzing the performance of Regression models

R2 score and adjusted R2 score intuition

MAE, RMSE, R2 and Adjusted R2 in code

Applying real time prediction on our model

Industry relevance of linear regression

Quiz on Modelling with Linear Regression

Quiz Solution

Regularization Techniques

What is Regularizationa and why is it important?

Getting the intuition of Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net

Understanding when to apply Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net

Applying Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net in sklearn

Quiz on Regularization Techniques

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Quiz Solution

Modelling with Logistic Regression

Introduction to Logistic Regression

Implementing Logistic Regression using Sklearn

Feature Selection using RFECV

Hyperparameter tuning using Grid search

Applying Cross Validation

How to analyze performance of a classification model

Using accuracy score to analyze the performance of model

Using ROC-AUC score to analyze the performance of model

Real time prediction using logistic regression

Industry Relevance of Logistic Regression

Quiz on Modelling with Logistic Regression

Quiz Solution

Other classification models

Introduction to Support Vector machines

The kermel trick for support vector machine

Implementing support vector machine using sklearn

Introduction to K nearest neighbors

Implementing KNN using Sklearn

Introduction to Naive Bayes

Implementing Naive Bayes using sklearn

When should we apply SVM, KNN and Naive bayes

Quiz on Other classification models

Quiz Solution

Tree Based Models

Intuition for decision trees

Attribute selection method- Gini Index and Entropy

Advantages and Issues with Decision trees

Implementing Decision tree using Sklearn

Understanding the concept of Bagging

Introduction to Random forest

Understanding the parameters of Random forest

Implementing random forest using Sklearn

Quiz on Tree based models

Introduction to NLP

What is NLP?

Why should you learn NLP

Applications of NLP

Steps to solve NLP Problems

Introduction to Text Processing

Popular Libraries used for NLP

Quiz on Introduction to NLP

Quiz Solution

Feature Engineering for NLP

Introduction to Feature Engineering

Reading and Summarizing the Text Data

Finding the Length, Polarity and Subjectivity

Finding the Words, Characters, and Punctuation Count

Counting Nouns and Verbs in the Text

Counting Adjectives, Adverb, and Pronouns

Quiz on Feature Engineering for NLP

Quiz Solution

Data Cleaning for NLP

Why Is it so Necessary to Clean the Data?

Removing Punctuations and Numbers

Performing Tokenization

Removing Special and accented Characters

Introduction to Stop words

Stemming and Lemmatization

Quiz on Data Cleaning for NLP

Quiz Solution

Feature Extraction for NLP

What is Feature Extraction?

Introduction to Bag of Words

Introduction to TFIDF

Implementing bag of Words and TFIDF

Introduction to N Grams Analysis

Implementing N Grams Analysis

Quiz on Feature Extraction for NLP

Quiz Solution

Data Visualization for NLP

Importance of Data Visualization in NLP

Visualizing Polarity and Subjectivity

Part-of-Speech Tagging

Visualizing Most Frequent Words

Visualizing N-Grams

Introduction to Words Cloud

Quiz on Data Visualization for NLP

Quiz Solution

Text Classification using ML

What is Text Classification?

Applications for Text Classification

Best Models for Text Classification

Implementing a Naive Bayes Classifier

Implementing a SVM Classifier

More Things to Try

Quiz on Text Classification using ML

Quiz Solution

Introduction To Neural Network

Path to Deep Learning

Introduction to Neural Networks

Introduction to Activation functions

Sigmoid and Tanh Activation Functions

Relu, and Leaky Relu, Activation Functions

When to use Sigmoid and Softmax

Introduction to Gradient Descent

Batch vs Stochastic Gradient Descent

Introduction to Optimizers

Dropout and why do we need it

Hyper parameter Tuning in Neural Networks

Introduction to Batch Normalization

Introduction to Tensorflow 2.0 Part 1

Introduction to Tensorflow 2.0 Part 2

Implementing a basic neural network

Improving a Neural network

Quiz on Introduction To Neural Network

Introduction to Convolution Neural Network

Introduction to Convolution Neural Network

Convolution Operation in CNN

Padding and Pooling

Data Augmentation

Understanding CNN end to end

Implementing Data Processing on Image Data

Implementing CNN using Tensorflow

Introduction to CNN Architectures

Introduction to Transfer Learning

Implementing ResNet and Inception Network

Industry relevance

Quiz on Introduction to Convolution Neural Network

Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network

Introduction to RNN

Implementing RNN using Tensorflow

Vanishing and Exploding Gradients

Introduction to LSTMs

Implementing GRU and LSTM using Tensorflow

Introduction to Bidirectional Networks

Implementing BiGRU and BiLSTM

Industry relevance of RNNs

Sentiment Analysis

Setting up the Environment

Understanding the problem statement

Scraping Data from Social Media Websites

Cleaning the data

Creating a Sentiment Analyzer Engine

Visualizing results

Major Takeaways

Quiz on Sentiment Analysis

Drug Prescription

Setting up the Environment

Understanding the Dataset

Understanding the Problem Statement

Summarizing the Dataset

Unveiling Hidden Patterns from the Dataset

Cleaning the Reviews

Calculating Sentiment from Reviews

Calculating Effectiveness and Usefulness of Drugs

Analysing the Medical Conditions

Finding Most Useful and Useful Drugs for each Condition

Quiz on Drug Prescription

Detecting Pneumonia

Understanding the Dataset

Understanding the Problem Statement

Setting up environment

Getting and Parsing Dataset

Loading and Transforming Image Data

Creating a Tensorflow Dataset Object

Introduction to ResNet

Building a Tensorflow Model

Understanding Model Checkpoints

Training the Model

Interpreting the Results

Saving the Trained Model

Evaluating the Model on Test Data

More things to Try


Quiz on Detecting Pneumonia

Stock Market Prediction

Understanding the Stock Market

Understanding the problem Statement

Setting up the Environment

Fetching the Stock Market Data

Understanding the Stock Market Data

Understanding the Trends within the Data

Processing the stock Market Data

Forecasting with LSTMs

Visualizing predictions

Scraping Extra Features for Modelling

Re-Training the LSTMs

Possible Improvements

Quiz on Stock Market Prediction

Fruits Recognition

Understanding the Dataset

Understanding the Problem Statement

Setting up the Environment

Processing the Image Data

Applying Data Augmentation

Trying Different Models

Evaluating Model on the Test Data

Real Time Prediction using CNN Models


Quiz on Fruits Recognition

Face Expression Recognizer

Understanding the Problem Statement

Understanding the Dataset

Setting up the Environment

Parsing Image Dataset

Loading and Augmenting Image Data

Training the Model

Evaluating Model and Saving Objects

Setting up local environment

Using Tensorflow and OpenCV for realtime prediction – Part – 1

Using Tensorflow and OpenCV for Realtime prediction – Part – 2

Project Summary

Quiz on Face Expression Recognizer