• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Using Art Therapy to work through the results of sexual misbehaviours.

What you will learn

How to use Art Therapy to help cope with sexual harassment

How to use Art Therapy to help cope with sex abuse

How to use Art Therapy to help cope with sexual misbehaviour

How to use Art Therapy to help overcome sex addiction

How to use Art Therapy to improve sexual wellbeing

How to use Art Therapy to help cope with the impact of sex trafficking

How to use Art Therapy to understand sexuality

How Art Therapy and Sex Therapy overlap

Why take this course?

🎉 Course Title: Art Therapy and Sex: A Path to Healing 🎨🤝

Course Headline: Using Art Therapy to Work Through the Results of Sexual Misbehaviours

Course Description:

Discover the transformative power of Art Therapy in addressing and healing from the deep emotional wounds associated with various forms of sexual misconduct. This comprehensive online course, led by expert instructor Chris Sivewright, explores the multifaceted impact of issues such as:

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  • 🚫 Sexual Misbehaviour
  • 🔄 Sex Addiction
  • Sex Trafficking
  • 🚨 Sex Abuse
  • 👨‍🎓 Sexual Harassment

The course also delves into the integration of Art Therapy with Sex Therapy, offering a holistic approach to sexual wellbeing. Through a series of engaging lectures, you’ll gain insights into the latest academic research and real-world examples, including:

  • 📚 References to studies on topics like sex addiction
  • ✍️ Interviews with professionals in the field
  • 🎬 Film clips that illustrate key concepts
  • 🗞 Articles from reputable news sources

What You’ll Experience:

  • Practical Exercises: Engage with numerous art therapy exercises designed to facilitate personal healing and coping mechanisms. These exercises are printed in the accompanying manual, allowing you to work through them without having to revisit lectures.
  • Confidentiality: Your privacy is respected. You are not required to share your artwork if doing so may stir up difficult emotions such as sadness, guilt, or anger. The decision to share is entirely yours.
  • Academic Depth: Benefit from a well-rounded curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Current Events: Stay informed with content that includes recent events such as alleged sexual harassment in the NHS, allegations against a British comedian, and firsthand accounts of sex abuse at a UK boarding school.

Course Highlights:

  • 🕒 Duration: Approximately 3 hours of lectures, with additional time for exercises, making it possible to complete the course in one month (with consistent engagement).
  • 🤔 Reflection: Encouraged at every step to reflect on your experiences and insights gained from both the lectures and art therapy exercises.
  • 🤝 Supportive Community: Engage with a supportive community of peers who are also on their journey toward healing and understanding.

Enrollment Steps:

  1. Preview Videos: Get a taste of what the course offers by watching preview videos first.
  2. Enrol: Once you’re ready, enroll in the course to embark on a transformative journey.

Interested? Watch the preview videos first and THEN enrol. This course is not just for those who have experienced sexual misbehaviours; it’s for anyone interested in the intersection of art therapy and sexual wellbeing. Join us to explore this important topic in a safe, educational, and supportive environment.

Note: This course is intended for personal growth and healing. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. If you are in crisis or need immediate help, please seek the support of a qualified mental health professional or contact local emergency services.
