The main aim of this course is to provide a wide understanding of the Apache Tomcat Server application
What you will learn
You will get familiar with the interface of the Apache Tomcat. You will also learn how to set up the Apache Tomcat and Java.
you will learn about the deployment of how to deploy a file to Apache Tomcat and running Tomcat server.
You will learn about the manager the functionality of this is to manage the web applications and you will know how to deploy through the manager
you will also learn about the realms and access controls and standard realm implementation.
Apache Tomcat Server is free and open-source web server software. Apache Tomcat software was developed by the Apache software foundation. It is a Java-based web application. Apache Tomcat is used for creating and running the servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). The Tomcat consists of three components. They are Catalina, Coyote, and Jasper.Β The architecture of the tomcat contains server, service, engine, host, connector, and context. The server is the first container element. It can have one or more servers. It can contain any number of <service> inside the server. The connector will be handling the requests and responses of the client application. The engine receives the requests from the container and it will be processed and it handles the response to the appropriate connector. The engine can contain multiple hosts. The context represents an individual or a single web application. The 8080 is the Apache Tomcat default HTTP port number. When compared with the Apache tomcat server the web servers which are designed performance will be better.
The skills that are covered in this Apache Tomcat Training are: you will learn about the Java EE/J2EE Apache Tomcat. You will get familiar with the interface of the Apache Tomcat. You will also learn how to set up the Apache Tomcat and Java.
Deployer, manager, and realm configuration and access control under this topic you will learn about the deployment of how to deploy a file to Apache Tomcat and running Tomcat server. You will learn about the manager the functionality of this is to manage the web applications and you will know how to deploy through the manager and you will also learn about the realms and access controls and standard realm implementation.
Security manager, JNDI, and JDBC configurations β Security Manager helps us to protect our data from the trusted applet and also to protect our server. About the security manager, you will learn in detail in this Apache Tomcat Training. JNDI resources will maintain an instance for running each web application and configuring the tomcat resource factory will be covered under this topic. JDBC Data Source in this you will learn about identifying, handling database connection, and also known how the transactions are handled. The configuration of Tomcat JDBC on how to configure you will learn under this topic.
Java server pages (JSP) which help us to create dynamic web applications. In this you will learn about the JSP from the basic level like an introduction to JSP and understanding JSP under this the topics which are covered are JSP scriptlet and expression tags. JSP directives are used for converting to servlet code. You will learn about different types of directives such as JSP page directive, JSP Include directive, and JSP Taglib directive. How we are handling the exception handling in JSP, actions, get and set properties of JSP are also covered.
MVC (Model View and Controller) will separate the data, business, and presentation logic. Working and advantages of MVC in JSP and JSP examples creating the Registration and login pages you will learn this under MVC and JSP examples.
The other topics are JSP pass values to JSP from HTML, JSP expression language, and JSP JSTL (Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library) it consists of useful JSP tags which are used in many JSP applications and it supports different types of tags.
These are the skills you will be acquired by taking this course