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Apache Hive Interview Question -Programming, Scenario-Based, Fundamentals, Performance Tuning based Question and Answer

What you will learn

By attending this course you will get to know frequently and most likely asked Programming, Scenario based, Fundamentals, and

Performance Tuning based Question asked in Apache Hive Interview along with the answer

This will help Apache Hive Career Aspirants to prepare for the interview.

During your Scheduled Interview you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Apache Hive interview questions.

We have already compiled the most frequently asked and latest Apache Hive Interview questions in this course.


Apache Hive Interview Questions has a collection of 100+Β questions with answers asked in the interview for freshers and experienced (Programming, Scenario-Based, Fundamentals, Performance Tuning based Question and Answer). This courseΒ is intended to help Apache Hive Career Aspirants to prepare for the interview.

We are planning to add more questions in upcoming versions of this course.

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The Apache Hive data warehouse software facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. Structure can be projected onto data already in storage. A command line tool and JDBC driver are provided to connect users to Hive.

Course Consist of the Interview Question on the following Topics

  • Hive Tutorial
  • Hive SQL Language Manual: Commands, CLIs, Data Types,
    DDL (create/drop/alter/truncate/show/describe), Statistics (analyze), Indexes, Archiving,
    DML (load/insert/update/delete/merge, import/export, explain plan),
    Queries (select), Operators and UDFs, Locks, Authorization
  • File Formats and Compression: RCFile, Avro, ORC, Parquet; Compression, LZO
  • Procedural Language: Hive HPL/SQL
  • Hive Configuration Properties
  • Hive Clients
    • Hive Client (JDBC, ODBC, Thrift)
    • HiveServer2: Overview, HiveServer2 Client and Beeline, Hive Metrics
  • Hive Web Interface
  • Hive SerDes: Avro SerDe, Parquet SerDe, CSV SerDe, JSON SerDe
  • Hive Counters




Hive Interview Question Set 1

How to Improve Hive Query Performance With Hadoop?
Is there any way to get column name along with the output while execute query?
How to create HIVE Table with multi character delimiter?
How to load Data from a .txt file to Table Stored as ORC in Hive?
if you modify the column how will the changes be tracked?
How can you configure remote metastore mode in Hive?
Explain about the different types of join in Hive?
Mechanism for connecting from applications, when we run hive as a server?
How Hive can improve performance with ORC format tables?
If you run a select * query in Hive, Why does it not run MapReduce?

Hive Interview Question Set 2

What is the precedence order of HIVE configuration?
What is the maximum size of string data type supported by hive?
How to skip header rows from a table in Hive?
Explain process to access sub directories recursively in Hive queries?
How to change the column data type in Hive? Explain RLIKE in Hive?
Explain Trim and Reverse function in Hive with examples?
Explain the concatenation function in Hive with an example?
Is it possible to add 100 nodes when we have 100 nodes already in Hive? How?
Can We Change settings within Hive Session? If Yes, How?
Create single Hive table for small files without degrading performance in Hive?

Hive Interview Question Set 3

How will you consume this CSV file into the Hive warehouse using built SerDe?
How will you remove this error? FAILED ERROR IN SEMANTIC ANALYSIS
What is the default maximum dynamic partition that can be created by a mapreduce
How can you add a new partition for the month December in the partitioned table?
How to solve latency problem and list the steps for solution?
What is dynamic partitioning and when is it used?
When should we use SORT BY instead of ORDER BY?
Is it possible to change the default location of a managed table?
what will happen if multiple clients trying to access Hive at the same time
How do you specify the table creator name when creating a table in Hive?
The following statement failed to execute. What can be the cause?

Hive Interview Question Set 4

What does /*streamtable(table_name)*/ do?
Give the command to see the indexes on a table.
What types of costs are associated in creating index on hive tables?
Can we LOAD data into a view?
What will be the result when you do cast(‘abc’ as INT)?
How will you convert the string ‘51.2’ to a float value in the price column?
What is the usefulness of the DISTRIBUTED BY clause in Hive?
Optimizing queries in Hive, what should be order of table size in a join query?
Is it possible to create Cartesian join between 2 tables, using Hive?
What is the difference between LIKE and RLIKE operators in Hive?
How can Hive avoid mapreduce?

Hive Interview Question Set 5

What is a Table generating Function on hive?
What does the following query do?
If you omit the OVERWRITE clause while creating a hive table,what happens?
LOAD DATA clause, how do you specify it is a hdfs file and not a local file?
Insert a column(new_col INT) into hive (htab) at a position before exist column?
When you point a partition of a hive table to a new directory, what happens?
What is the significance of IF EXISTS clause while dropping a table?
Which java class handles the output record encoding into files?
Which java class handles Input record encoding into files which store the table?
How do you check if a particular partition exists?
How can you delete the DBPROPERTY in Hive?

Hive Interview Question Set 6

What does the ‘USE’ command in hive do?
How do you list all databases whose name starts with p?
What do you mean by schema on read?
What are the default record and field delimiter used for hive text files?
What is the importance of .hiverc file?
Can hive queries be executed from script files? How?
Can we run unix shell commands from hive? Give example?
Is there a date data type in Hive?
What is the default location where hive stores table data?
What is the need for custom Serde?
Mention how can you stop a partition from being queried?

Hive Interview Question Set 7

Explain when to use explode in Hive?
Mention what is the difference between order by and sort by in Hive?
Explain how can you change a column data type in Hive?
Mention if we can name view same as the name of a Hive table?
Mention what are the components of a Hive query processor?
Mention what Hive query processor does?
Mention what is (HS2) HiveServer2?
Mention what is ObjectInspector functionality in Hive?
Mention what are the different modes of Hive?
When Hive is not suitable?
What is the best way to load xml data into hive?

Hive Interview Question Set 8

Are Hive SQL identifiers (e.g. table names, column names, etc) case sensitive?
Does Hive support Unicode?
Did you used Mysql as Metatstore and faced errors like:CommunicationsException?
When running a JOIN query, I see out-of-memory errors?
How to access HBase tables from Hive?
How is ORC file format optimised for data storage and analysis?
What is RegexSerDe?
How is SerDe different from File format in Hive?
What are the different file formats in Hive?
Which method has to be overridden when we use custom UDF in Hive?
How does bucketing help in the faster execution of queries?

Hive Interview Question Set 9

How to enable bucketing in Hive?
How to enable dynamic partitioning in Hive?
How does partitioning help in the faster execution of queries?
What are the complex data types in Hive?
What are managed and external tables?
What is the limitation of Derby database for Hive metastore?
What is the functionality of Query Processor in Apache Hive?
What is ObjectInspector functionality ?
How do you write your own custom SerDe?
Give examples of SerDe class which hive uses to Serialize and Deserialize data?
Which classes are used by the Hive to Read and Write HDFS Files?

Hive Interview Question Set 10

What is SerDe in Apache Hive?
What are the available mechanism for connecting it from application?
Is multiline comment supported in Hive Script?
Is it possible to use same metastore by multiple users in case of embedded hive?
Wherever (Different Directory) I run hive query, it creates new metastore_db?
What is Hive Metastore?
How to change the warehouse.dir location for older tables?
What kind of data warehouse application is suitable for Hive?
Explain what is a Hive variable. What do we use it for?
What is the definition of Hive? What is the present version of Hive?
Bonus Lecture