Ansible for Network Engineers with GNS3, Ansible and Cisco IOS. Learn Network Automation & Programmability = the future
☑ Automate network configurations with Ansible
☑ Troubleshoot networks using Ansible
☑ Learn how to leverage the power of DevOps (Ansible)
Learn Network Automation with GNS3 and Ansible.
Do you want to program networks using Ansible, but not sure where to start? Well, this course will show you how you can start programming Cisco networks within 30 minutes.
This course was created for network engineers. There are too many other Ansible courses out there that try to make network engineers server administrators. They concentrate on server administration, installation of software packages and other server admin tasks.
This course is different.
This course is practical. I won’t talk about programming in abstract terms and make you wait before you can start automating networks. I will show you how you can quickly and easily start network programming by using GNS3, Cisco IOS and Ansible.
You will see demonstrations of the configuration of both Cisco routers and switches in GNS3. For example, how to configure multiple VLANs on a multiple switches, or how to configure OSPF on a router and more much more.
Learn how you can use Ansible to troubleshoot networks! Use a single Ansible command to retrieve mac address table information from multiple switches in seconds. Then pipe the output to a regular expression to filter down to a single MAC address.You will never troubleshoot networks the same way again!
This course shows you practical examples of using Ansible to programmatically configure Cisco network devices rather then just talking about it.
The days of configuring Cisco networks only with the command line interface (CLI) are drawing to a close. You need to add network programmability using Ansible to your skill set.
Learn how to automate networks using:
– Ansible Network modules
– Ansible Playbooks
– Ansible ad hoc commands
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use the tools available to you to quickly and easily automate your networks.
Here are some comments about my automation courses:
“Knowing the material from just the first video would have saved me hours of work and rework in the past.”
“It’s the easiest, most fun, and most valuable course I’ve completed yet on Python Programming for Networking. Love it! Thanks again David!!!” Darby Weaver
“Excellent course on Network Programming using Python with lot’s of practical network configuration examples.”
“Great way of explanation.Nice video and inspiring words! Thank you so much David. You are genius.”
“I’ve been doing network automation for a while, even so, I’ve learned new things through this course. The instructor start from a basic example, adding improvements in each step. It’s a skill that’s worth it.”
“A must for all network engineers who want to learn python!!! I had very “very” basic programming skills, and couldn’t just get the bridge between network and programming (mainly Python – since that’s where the hype is now), this course was amazing, I have never been glued to a training course since I can remember. The couple of things I loved the most about this course: 1- David’s clear voice. 2- Real world application, not only will David interduce different real-world practical modules that you can import and use, but he shows you how to apply them on ios devices.”
“Excellent course on Network Programming using Python with lot’s of practical network configuration examples. High quality content.”
Good and bad news
GNS3 2.1 Install
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 1: Components and software requirements
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 2: GUI install
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 3: Troubleshooting GNS3 installation issues Windows 10
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 4: Basic GNS3 Network (your first network)
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 5: Where do I get Cisco IOS images?
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 6: Cisco IOS network using Dynamips
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 7: GNS3 VM, VIRL and switching
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 8: GNS3 VM, VMware 14 issues
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 9: Cisco VIRL IOSv import into GNS3
GNS3 2.1 Install Part 10: Cisco VIRL and Dynamips network!
Ansible Quick Start – Ansible infrastructure requirements
GNS3 Installation and Setup
GNS3 Initial Setup
Setup SSH and view ansible.cfg settings
Configure hosts
ansible.cfg file
Ansible Quick Start: Ad hoc commands
Ad hoc Ansible Introduction (P100_0)
Ad hoc Ansible Part 1 (P100_1)
Ad hoc Ansible Part 2 (P100_2)
Ad hoc Ansible Part 3 (P100_3)
Ad hoc Ansible Part 4 (P100_4)
Ad hoc Ansible Part 5 (P100_5)
Ansible Quick Start: Raw Playbooks and Cisco IOS Command module Playbooks
Playbook to retrieve ARP cache (P100_6)
Playbook to retrieve MAC address tables (P100_7)
Playbooks using Cisco IOS command (P100_8)
Playbooks using Cisco IOS command – show version save to file (P100_9)
Playbooks using Cisco IOS command – show run save to file (P100_10)
Ansible Quick Start: Ansible CLI Playbook
Ansible CLI Playbook
Run playbook
Multiple devices
Multiple Plays
Ansible Quick Start: Playbooks and Cisco IOS Config module
Import GNS3 project and verify networking (P99_18)
Cisco IOS Config Playbook 1 (P99_19)
Cisco IOS Config Playbook 2 (P99_21)
Cisco IOS Config Playbook 3 (P99_23)
Cisco IOS Config Playbook 4 (P99_24)
More Content
Additional Content
Cumulus Linux and Ansible Automation
Please note
DevOps Overview
Goal of Automation
Cumulus Automation
Main automation methodologies
Push versus Pull
Comparison of Automation Tools
ZTP and Automation
Ansible Automation Example
ZTP script
Ansible Configuration Files
Ansible Configuration File – ansible.cfg
Ansible Hosts File
Ansible Modules and documentation
Ansible ad hoc commands versus Ansible playbooks
Three levels of Ansible complexity
Simple interface description playbook
Run a simple Ansible Playbook
Output from simple Playbook
Multiple Ansible files
Scaling Ansible Playbooks
Ansible tree
Order of Playbook execution
Ansible playbook.yml
Ansible variables and templates files
Run an Ansible playbook
Reference Materials
DEMO: Ansible Overview
DEMO: Ansible installation
DEMO: Ansible, github, playbook.yml
Network Automation Appliance
Ansible installation
GNS3 Automation Container import and testing Part 1
GNS3 Automation Container import and testing Part 2