Build and run Android 14 in the cloud, create system services, solve SELinux errors and debug native crashes.

What you will learn

Understand Android OS Architecture and control Linux kernel drivers

Develop a C++ service and make it persistent with an rc file

Build a Kotlin application with system control UI

Use AIDL for HAL communication be in line to AOSP design patterns and the CTS

Learn how to solve SELinux avc denied errors

Why take this course?

🌟 Android 14 Internals – Mastering Cuttlefish in the Cloud 🌟

Course Headline: Build and run Android 14 in the cloud, create system services, solve SELinux errors, and debug native crashes.

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Course Description:

Embark on a deep dive into the world of Android platform development with our comprehensive course, tailored for enthusiasts and professionals aiming to master Android internals. This course is your gateway to setting up a robust development environment on Ubuntu 20.04 within Google Cloud and exploring the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) to its fullest potential.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Section 1: Cloud Setup
    • Navigate Google Cloud’s Compute Engine, install gcloud CLI, and create a VMX-enabled Ubuntu VM.
  • Section 2: Source Code Foundation
    • Download and build Android 14 source code, bringing the Cuttlefish device to life for hands-on testing and development.
  • Section 3: Desktop Environment Setup
    • Transform your Ubuntu Server into a Desktop environment with ASfP, preparing for advanced platform development tasks.
  • Section 4: Interactive Tools Mastery
    • Learn to use essential tools like hmm and adb for effective control over Android devices.
  • Section 5: Security Fundamentals
    • Dive into Android’s security model, understanding user IDs, access controls, and securing application data and processes.
  • Section 6: System Images & Partitioning
    • Explore the intricacies of system updates and partition management in Android.
  • Sections 7-14: Practical Labs
    • A series of labs that cover creating CPU HAL interface with AIDL, developing service daemons, setting correct SELinux permissions, to creating and registering CPU service implementation. These hands-on experiences are designed to reinforce your learning and build a comprehensive understanding of Android platform development.

Advanced Topics:

  • Debugging Tools & Strategies 🔍
    • Learn to force crashes, use llvm-addr2line, and debug native services with lldb. These skills are crucial for troubleshooting and optimizing Android platform applications and services.
  • System Services Creation 🛠️
    • Create your own system services, ensuring they interact smoothly with the Android ecosystem.
  • SELinux Error Resolution 🧩
    • Gain expertise in solving SELinux errors, which is essential for maintaining a secure and stable Android environment.

Why Take This Course?

  • Practical Experience: Transition from theoretical knowledge to practical application, contributing to the Android ecosystem or launching your own custom Android projects with confidence.
  • Skill Enhancement: Sharpen your skills in Android platform development, security models, debugging, and deployment, setting you up for success in a wide range of roles within the tech industry.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from Gil Zhaiek, an experienced course instructor who will guide you through each step of the process with clarity and depth.

By completing this course, you’ll join the ranks of professionals who understand Android internals and can build, test, and deploy applications and services with a high degree of proficiency. Are you ready to unlock the full potential of Android development? Enroll in “Android 14 Internals – Mastering Cuttlefish in the Cloud” today! 🚀📱🎉
