Rise above fears, anxiety, and superstition – Study VEDANTA
What you will learn
Acquire a fundamental Knowledge of the Vedas and 10 main Upanishads.
Learn to rise above fears, anxiety, and superstition through a basic comprehension of VEDANTA.
Learn to be free from superstition or unsubstantiated, blind and irrational beliefs.
Gain a firm foundation in Advaita Vedanta or Advaita Vignyaana – nondualistic knowledge
Comprehend the true ‘god concept’ in Vedanta, which is of the All-pervading Supreme Brahman.
In order to learn an organised religion, you need to read one or more of its prime scriptures, learn the dos and don’ts by heart, make up your mind to blindly believe in one or more theistic beings, and pledge your allegiance to the religion and your obedience to the clergy.
On the other hand, all that a person who intends to study the Vedas needs is an open heart, mind and soul. The journey through the Vedas is spiritual and intellectual, which takes a seeker through the different stages, right from the early learning stages to that of being a Self-realised person. The ultimate goal is Self-realisation.
However, due to various reasons, in the name of religion, devotion, and spirituality, different kinds of practices have emerged over a large period of time. These have succeeded in leading seekers far away from the Vedas, of which, the Upanishads are the summit and contain the core non-dualistic philosophy.
It is quite natural for people who decide to study the Vedas and Vedanta to consider taking lessons from great teachers. However, in the busy lives that people lead these days, finding the time or even the right teacher becomes a major stumbling block.
This programme is aimed at enabling seekers to acquire an overview of the non-dualistic philosophy, the Vedic and Upanishadic ‘god concept,’ the greatness and advanced way of thinking of ancient sages of the Vedic and later periods, and to take the first step towards comprehending their own innate Divinity.
I wish you a spiritually enriching and enjoyable journey through this short programme.
Jai Shri Krishna.