• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:6 mins read

To help you do better in equity markets for self and others!

What you will learn

Undestanding Fundamental Equity Analysis

A Practical Approach of doing Fundamental Equity Analysis

Determing Intrinsic value of a stock

Practice doing Fundamental Equity Analyis


Looking to do better in equity markets for self or others in long term? Want to learn a quick practical approach to Fundamental Equity Analysis?

Take a look at this Udemy course only where you will

ยท Learn how to decide whether to buy, hold or sell an equity stock at a prevailing price in quick practical way using real life example!

ยท Gain Practical Experience by seeing and doing real life case assignments and doing an internship with us

ยท Preview 50% of lectures for FREE

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ยท Attend FREE weekly Video Q&A sessions to clear your doubts on this topic

I started my journey in the equity market in 2007 when I left my last corporate role as a Managing Director with Dumex India after having worked with Unilever and Johnson & Johnson for 24 years. During the last 15 years, I have put my hard earned money in variety of financial instruments like stocks, mutual funds, futures and options etc and made some money for self and others.

What I am sharing with you here is my learnings over these 15 years in deciding when to buy, hold or sell in equity markets with the hope that you can also benefit from this quick practical approach. In this course, you will learn the approach using an example of JSW Steel and will get opportunity to do many assignments to develop your skill in making the crucial Buy, Hold or Sell decision.

You can also do an online internship with us for a company of your choice by writing to me

You will also be entitled to participate in absolutely FREE weekly Video Q&A sessions to clear your doubts on this topic and get your questions answered. These sessions will be held every Sunday at 1800 IST (1230 GMT). You will need to book your seat 24 hour in advance by messaging on Udemy Portal and get the Link for the session.





Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis

Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis I
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis II
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis II
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis III
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis III
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis IV
Understanding Fundamental Equity Analysis IV

Evaluation of Current Fundamental Equity Analysis Approaches

Evaluation of FEA Approaches I
Evaluation of FEA Approaches I
Evaluation of FEA Approaches II
Evaluation of FEA Approaches II

The Practical Approach to FEA

The Practical Approach to FEA I
The Practical Approach to FEA I
The Practical Approach to FEA II
The Practical Approach to FEA II
The Practical Approach to FEA III
The Practical Approach to FEA III
The Practical Approach to FEA IV
The Practical Approach to FEA IV
The Practical Approach to FEA V
The Practical Approach to FEA V
The Practical Approach to FEA VI
The Practical Approach to FEA VI
The Practical Approach to FEA VII
The Practical Approach to FEA VII
The Practical Approach to FEA VIII
The Practical Approach to FEA VIII
The Practical Approach to FEA IX
The Practical Approach to FEA IX

