What you will learn

Type of buildings

Brief idea of the activities performed in each type of building

Improve Building design skills

Improve Building construction skills


Every building has a foundation, walls, roof, flooring and many other common elements. But, this doesn’t mean that all the buildings are the same. They can be classified or grouped into different types based on different factors such as the size, the height, the life and more.


So, you know that there are different types of buildings but, you may have a question that why should you know them. The answer to this question lies within the definition of Building planning.


Building planning or designing is a procedure where you are going to divide an area of the site by considering the available funds in such a way that

  1. There is enough space for all the activities

  2. with optimum ventilation, illumination and other features.

In the first point, it is mentioned that as a planner you need to allocate enough space for different activities. So, you need to know what activities are going to take place in a particular type of building. Once you know the activities you will then get to know about the space required for each activity.


To research and come up with a new list of activities for every new building is not a good idea because:

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  1. It increases the time for creating a plan

  2. And It has a great risk of failure because it has not been tested.

Hence, architects and engineers have documented and grouped the similar types of buildings with specific names as residential, educational, mercantile etc. Over time the requirements of different buildings have been realized, the optimum dimensions for different rooms were known and all this information has been noted to use in future. So, building typology has made it possible to work quickly by following the suggestions noted from the past experiences.


In this course we have documented all that information of building typology into beautiful chunks of videos. So that you can learn this important subject in easy and engaging manner.





Why is Building typology important
Mobile and Permanent buildings
Classification of Buildings based on Type of Occupancy

Residential buildings

Introduction to Residential buildings
Detached buildings
Semi detached buildings
Row house
Duplex house

Other Buildings

Educational buildings
Institutional buildings
Assembly Buildings
Business building
Mercantile buildings
Industrial buildings
Storage buildings
Hazardous buildings


Bonus lecture
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