Learn the basic concepts of 5S
What you will learn
Learn about the 5S basic concepts of Workplace organisation.
Understand the Purpose and importance of Implementing 5S.
A step by step guide on implementing the 5S in the Organisation.
Creates a base for more advanced 5S Training.
5S is the Workplace Organization concept which has multi faceted purpose. If implemented in True Spirit, it gives many benefits. It can be implemented not just in the manufacturing sector but can be implementedΒ in Service , healthcare, education etc. It can be implemented at home as well.
Apart form Productivity improvement, it provides safe working environment. The biggest benefit is building ofΒ Team Work culture.
Each “S” of the 5S guides you for some activity. The 1S to 3S are basically To Do Activity whereas 4S&5S are standardisation and sustenance.
It is easier to implement something but difficult to sustain and keep it at the same level. What makes the difference is the culture of the organization and focus of each and every team member involved. We have to practice the learning in day to day life.
Periodic assessment of the situation and taking corrective steps is required. Also, encouraging the workforce through healthy competition, rewards and recognition plays a vital role in imbibing the culture of 5S.
A systematic way of implementing the 5S concept needs to be adopted by the organization to reap the longterm benefits. It should not be just the formality to start the 5S and somehow show to management that it has been implements. The Implementation should on the workplace and not just on the piece of paper.