Learn how Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) is a technology whereby voice and SMS services are delivered to LTE devices
What You Will Learn
LTE Voice options
CSFB Cricuit Switching fallback
CSFB call flows
CSFB Meaning and principles
No requirements, Just someone who needs to learn
Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) is a technology whereby voice and SMS services are delivered to LTE devices.
It is often seen as an interim solution for LTE operators. Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is considered to be the long-term goal for the delivery of voice services on LTE networks.
Legacy 2G and 3G networks and the LTE network co-exist within mixed networks.
That mean when a call is made, it reaches a mobile switching center (MSC), which communicates to a mobility management entity (MME) to identify network compatibility. If it is an LTE network attempting to connect to a legacy network, the MME recognizes this and subsequently routes the call through a 2G or 3G network.
Course Content:
CSFB meaning | CSFB Principles & Features
MSC Selection in CSFB
CSFB Combined attach
CSFB combined attach signaling procedures
CSFB call flow Mobile originated call flow
CSFB Call flow Mobile Terminating
CSFB Mobile Terminated Signaling procedures
Why to take the Course
If You are interested in the Telecom field and especially in the Core, This course is the Best fit for you.
Course Support
Have you even took a Course and you didn’t find the required Support?
Fine, This course is different, We are committed in making this course the best Telecom Course from the support perspective.
In This course we are not talking about a specific vendor Solution, But we are talking about Packet Core standards.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Having Background knowledge about Core Networks is preferable.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone interested in Telecommunications
- Core Engineers
- Fresh Graduates