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Eye contact mastery for introverts – Human Behavior – adhd, adhd symptoms, symptoms of adhd, adhd meds, adhd test,

What you will learn

You’ll Master Eye Contact

Observational Skills: Sharpen the ability to observe and understand different eye contact habits in various social situations.

Self-Reflection: Reflect on personal comfort levels and identify patterns related to eye contact through daily reflections.

Imaginary Eye Contact Mastery: Develop the skill of visualizing confident eye contact in different scenarios, creating a positive mental framework.

Peripheral Vision Practice: Cultivate awareness of surroundings while maintaining a central focus, easing the pressure of direct eye contact.

Social Application of Peripheral Vision: Apply peripheral vision exercises in real-world social settings, integrating the skill into everyday interactions.

Mirror Conversations: Gain familiarity with personal eye contact habits through engaging in conversations with oneself in front of a mirror.

Blink Game Confidence: Playfully challenge and build confidence by maintaining eye contact until blinking, fostering a sense of play in the process.

Adaptive Responses: Learn to adapt eye contact responses based on social cues, enhancing the quality of interactions.

Journaling Before and After Interactions: Keep an eye contact journal to track progress, emotions, and observations before and after social interactions.

The Art of Silence: Discover the power of silent communication through confident and purposeful eye contact.

Dynamic Environments Mastery: Navigate crowded places with confidence, applying eye contact skills in dynamic and bustling settings.

Fluidity in Movement: Learn to maintain eye contact while on the move, adapting to different scenarios seamlessly.

Reflection on Progress: Reflect on the journey, acknowledge growth, and identify areas for further improvement.

Visualization of Future Success: Harness the power of visualization to picture future success with confident and impactful eye contact.

Mindful Breathing: Utilize mindful breathing techniques to enhance presence and calmness in social interactions.

Genuine Compliment Exercise: Master the art of giving and receiving genuine compliments with sincerity reflected through eye contact.

Novel Social Settings: Embrace new social environments, applying eye contact skills in novel settings to broaden comfort zones.

Adaptive Responses Mastery: Perfect the art of adaptability in eye contact responses to enrich diverse conversations.

Freestyle Eye Contact Challenge: Engage in authentic, freestyle eye contact in various scenarios, embracing your unique expression.

Reflection and Celebration: Reflect on the journey, celebrate victories, and plan for continued growth in eye contact skills.

Integration into Daily Life: Make eye contact practices a natural part of daily life, ensuring continued growth beyond the 21-day challenge.


Welcome to this transformative 21-day journey focused on cultivating the art of making eye contact. This course is not just a set of instructions; it’s your personalized roadmap to effective, action-based development.

Why Eye Contact Matters: Making meaningful eye contact is more than a social gesture; it’s a gateway to genuine connection. It can enhance your communication skills, boost your confidence, and open doors to deeper relationships. This course is designed to empower you with practical applications that will become second nature over the next 21 days.

What to Expect: Each day, we’ll unveil a practical exercise tailored to progressively build your comfort and proficiency with eye contact. It’s not about overwhelming you with information; it’s about offering manageable, actionable steps that seamlessly integrate into your daily life.

Your Personal Roadmap: Consider this course as your personal roadmap to self-discovery. It provides the tools, insights, and daily practices to guide you along the path of confident and meaningful eye contact. However, the real magic happens when you take action.

Taking Ownership: The success of this journey lies in your hands. You’re not just a passive participant; you’re the driver of your own growth. It’s up to you to infuse these practices into your daily routine, making them a natural part of who you are.

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Commitment to Action: This isn’t just theoretical knowledge; it’s about embodying a skill that can truly transform your personal and professional life. Through consistent and intentional action, you’ll witness the evolution of your confidence and connections.

Your Daily Companion: Think of this course as a supportive friend, guiding you through the intricacies of eye contact. It’s here to provide insights, encouragement, and a gentle push when needed. Your progress is unique, and this journey is about honoring your individual growth.

Celebrating Your Wins: As you embark on this 21-day adventure, take a moment each day to celebrate the small victories. Whether it’s a newfound ease in making eye contact or a deeper connection forged, each step forward is a reason for applause.

Let’s Get Started: So, my friend, are you ready to embrace this journey? Let’s dive in, practice with intention, and watch as the power of eye contact unfolds in your life. Remember, it’s not just about looking; it’s about connecting. Here’s to the next 21 days of growth, connection, and celebrating the wonderful you!




What is this course about?
Why is this course action-based only?
Story Time!!!

21X – Action-Based Guidance

21 Day Challenge Calendar
Day 1: Mindful Observation
Day 2: Personal Reflection
Day 3: Imaginary Eye Contact
Day 4: Peripheral Vision Practice
Day 5: Peripheral Vision in Social Settings
Day 6: Mirror Conversation
Day 7: The Blink Game
Day 8: Non-Verbal Connection
Day 9: Eye Contact Journal – Before
Day 10: Eye Contact Journal – After
Day 11: The Art of Silence
Day 12: Dynamic Environments – Crowded Places
Day 13: Dynamic Environments – Movement
Day 14: Reflection on Progress
Day 15: Visualization of Future Success
Day 16: Mindful Breathing
Day 17: Genuine Compliment Exercise
Day 18: Novel Social Settings
Day 19: Adaptive Responses
Day 20: Freestyle Eye Contact Challenge
Day 21: Reflection and Celebration

So what do I do next?

So what do I do next?