Learn the professional Chinese Tea Art and Tea Science
What you will learn
Professional knowledge of Chinese tea as green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea, dark tea and pu-erh tea.
Practical brewing skills of Chinese tea
Tasting&evaluation of Chinese tea
Terminologies in tea science in Hanyu Pinyin
Trustable suppliers of Chinese tea
Tea aethetics and lifestyle
Similarities between wine and tea
Why take this course?
您提供的内容似乎是一个课程大纲,它涵盖了中国茶艺的多个方面,包括理论基础、六大茶类(Green Tea、Yellow Tea、White Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, Dark Tea),Pu-erh Tea的深入了解,冲泡技巧,中国茶艺的历史,以及中医与茶饮之间的关系。此外,还提到了茶与酒的魅力,包括食品配对。
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如果您想要进一步了解或参加这样的课程,可能需要联系提供这个大纲的教育机构或个人,以获取详细的学习材料、线上直播课程或者是线下浸润式学习计划。此外,如果您对特定类型的茶(如Pu-erh Tea)感兴趣,这个课程也提供了相关的深入内容。