如何開始設計量子電路 (Quantum Computer Programming | Start to Design Quantum Circuits) in Chinese and English

What you will learn

這門課程涵蓋了「量子電腦程式設計」的核心概念與實踐方法。 This course covering the core concepts and practical methods of “Quantum Computer Programming”.

我們提供中英文字幕,讓您能更靈活地掌握課程內容。 We offer both Chinese and English subtitles to provide flexibility in understanding the material.

課程中您將透過實際互動練習,提升學習效率,並獲得實踐的機會。 Through real-world interactive exercises, you’ll enhance your learning efficiency and gain hands-on experience.

學習量子電腦程式設計的技巧及相關應用程式 Learn quantum computer programming techniques and related applications

認識量子程式設計的量子閘、量子電路,及基本特性 Understanding quantum gates, quantum circuits, and their fundamental characteristics in quantum programming.

Why take this course?

課程標題: 如何開始設計量子電路 (Quantum Computer Programming | Start to Design Quantum Circuits)


量子計算已經是科學界和工業界的热門话题,它將會重塑未来的程序设计方式。在这个量子編程之旅(Quantum Programming Journey)中,我们将使用IBM提供的先進工具——Lab和Composer,作为我们的实验室和编码环境。通过这个课程,你不僅能够了解量子门(Quantum Gates)、量子电路(Quantum Circuits)以及它們在量子世界中的基本原理,还能够掌握如何使用這些工具來設計和執行自己的量子程序。


  • 🔍 入門量子電路: 從零開始理解量子閘及其作用機制,創建你的第一個量子電路。
  • 🚀 量子編程基礎: 學習如何在IBM Quantum Composer中操作量子線性代数,包括Hadamard、CNOT等基本量子門。
  • 🧠 深入量子演算法: 探索著名的量子演算法,如Shor算法和Grover算法,並了解它們在量子計算中的實際應用。
  • 💡 免費網上學習資源: 通過網頁進行設計與執行,享受無償的學習體驗。
  • 🤝 實戰操作: 在實際案例中應用所學知識,從理論到實踐的完整流程。


  1. 量子門和量子位: 它們是如何工作的?它們在量子電路中的角色是什麼?
  2. 量子演算法: 我們將介紹量子演算法的基本概念,並了解其與傳統演算法的差異。
  3. 量子程式設計流程: 從編寫代碼到運行量子電路的完整步驟。
  4. 實際案例分析: 透過具體案例,理解量子計算的強大之處和應用前景。

加入我們這個量子設計之旅(Quantum Design Journey),開啟量子世界的大門,讓未來的程式設計變得更加精彩!

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Course Title: Start to Design Quantum Circuits (量子電腦程式設計#2)

Course Description:

Quantum programming is set to become the norm in future software development. This course, Start to Design Quantum Circuits, will serve as a gateway into this cutting-edge field, utilizing IBM’s Lab and Composer as our design platforms. We’ll demystify quantum gates, circuits, and their fundamental characteristics, making the journey from novice to proficient in quantum programming smoother.

Course Highlights:

  • 🎓 Introduction to Quantum Gates: Learn how these building blocks of quantum computing function and interact within a quantum circuit.
  • 🛠️ Quantum Circuit Design: Get hands-on experience with IBM Quantum Composer, manipulating qubits and creating your first quantum circuits.
  • 🔖 Exploring Quantum Algorithms: Dive into the world of famous quantum algorithms like Shor’s and Grover’s, understanding their impact on computational problems.
  • 💻 Free Online Learning Resources: Design and execute your quantum programs using an online platform at no cost, making learning accessible to all.
  • 🔍 Practical Application: Apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios, from theoretical concepts to practical execution.

Topics Covered:

  1. Quantum Gates and Qubits: Understand their operation and roles within quantum circuits.
  2. Quantum Algorithms: Explore the basics of quantum algorithms and their contrast with classical ones.
  3. Quantum Programming Workflow: From writing code to running quantum circuits, learn the complete process of quantum programming.
  4. Case Studies Analysis: Analyze real-world examples to appreciate the potential and applications of quantum computing.

Embark on this journey with us to unlock the mysteries of the quantum realm and shape the future of programming!
