• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Set up a secure instance of Ubuntu 20.04 with NGINX and host a React and a NodeJS app on it

What you will learn

Deploy a secure Virtual Private Server on a provider like Azure

Connect to the VPS using SSH (secure shell)

Deploy react app on a VPS

Deploy NodeJS app on a VPS

Some good practices while deploying


Many developers have been turning to Virtual Private Servers to host their projects, and with good reason: unlike in a shared hosting environment, you are not running the risk of someone else’s badly written code resulting in poor performance or (worse yet) your site being compromised because of someone else’s insecure programming.

With a Virtual Private Server, you have complete control over the software that is available to you, and you can fine tune the server to meet your exact needs. But setting up a secure VPS takes a bit of work, and requires a bit of learning.

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This course will take you through the basics of setting up a fast, secure VPS on Linode, DigitalOcean, AWS Lightsail, Vultr or any other provider that offers VPS Linux hosting. We’ll set up an Ubuntu 20.04 server with the most commonly needed software, and ensure that it is locked down as securely as possible. We will also go through best practices for adding users, software, and services, and ensure that we choose the right kind of server for a particular project. We will learn how to implement public and private keys for secure access using SSH, how to edit files on the remote server through the command line using vi or nano/pico, how to use the most common and useful Linux command line programs, and how to configure the most popular and useful server software.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers who want to host their own web applications
  • People who are interested in acquiring “DevOps” skills for future employment
  • People who are interested in best practices for securing a Linux based server




What is a VPS?

A brief about VPS

Github and Azure for students

Basic requirements
Create account on Azure for students

Creating our VPS in Azure

Creating VPS on Azure
Logging into our VPS
Very Basic linux commands for the VPS

Making the React project ready to deploy

Making the react project ready

Knowing about pm2 and nginx

Knowing about pm2 and nginx

Installing Git, NodeJS, Pm2 and Nginx

Install git, nodejs, pm2 and nginx

Adding all configurations and deploying the react project

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Deploying Backend

deploy NodeJS on Nginx server

Improving website performance

Serving compressed files