• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:5 mins read

This course is for anyone who wants to know the results of our remarkable outcome for the Youth Reclamation Research. Th

What you will learn

You will learn what the objectives were of the YRI Program.

You will learn what were YRIโ€™s foundational moral values, principles and goals.

Who did we study and why; who did we leave out of the study and why.

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What important information did we find out about the youths, the parents and the families?

What specifically did we find out about the teensโ€™ antisocial personality styles, general mental health, family satisfaction, moral development, and parentsโ€™ mental health in pre- and post- testing?

I will give you a taste of the Teen Miracle Program introducing the importance of Values and Family.


Anybody can have an opinion, but what matters is reality. This short series shows what we found with ungovernable and delinquent youth and their families. It turned a lot of opinions on their heads and gave us invaluable information in how to effectively help kids, parents and their family most effectively. It dispels many popular myths about this population and shows that recovery is not only possible, but probable. We treated ungovernable and delinquent teens in their homes for three months as opposed to removing a teen from their home and treating them in a residential or other out-of-home placement for a year or longer. Not only did we achieve some of the highest outcome rates in the nation, but recidivism was lower because we treated the teens in their own homes, with their own parents and families and taught them how to cope with their life stresses and environment that was contributing to their delinquency.



Video 1 Overview of YRI Research & Program 9:03
Video 2 Outcome Research โ€“ Who, What, Why & How 4:14
Video 3 Remarkable Results 7:50
Video 4 Why It Is Important To Teach Values, Character and Moral Maturity 09:03
Video 5 Teen Miracle Example: How To Build Strong Family Relationships 10:58