What you will learn

How to let your light become smart

How to let your dimmer become smart

How to let your motor become smart

How to let your infrared device become smart


[Experiments/ Practicals ] Here is the Ultimate Smart Home Tech Tour for KinCony’s IOT module DIY.  We will produce a series of video tutorials using the IBM Node-Red DIY software. the Node-Red is open source .I find it’s very easy to use , almost not need write many program code. Step by step, it’s very easy to DIY. We will continue to develop IOT and smart control system and make video lessons  around the world.

lesson1 will tell you how to install raspberry pi 4 OS by sd card. When install completed, system will have the Node-Red software.

lesson 2 will tell you how to turn ON/OFF a relay switch by node-red Home kit node work on Raspberry Pi 4 . you can control relay by Home kit and siri via iPhone and iPad.

lesson 3 shows how to configure Node-RED for update wall switch button status on apple iPhone or iPad home kit by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi relay module.

lesson 4 shows how to configure Node-RED for website application by dashboard on iOS and android and PC computer by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi relay module.

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lesson5 shows how to configure Node-RED for kinds of digital and analog sensor monitoring by dashboard by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi relay module.

lesson 6 shows how to configure Node-RED control device by infrared signal by dashboard by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi relay module.

lesson 7 shows how to configure Node-RED control device by RF signal (radio frequency) by apple home kit by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi wireless smart home module.

lesson 8 shows how to configure Node-RED control device by 8 channel dimmer controller by apple home kit by Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux OS and how to start creating home automation projects using TCP/IP socket , like ethernet or WiFi wireless smart home module.



Practical Node-Red in smart home automation DIY-Part1
install raspberry pi 4 OS
wall switch button for home kit
infrared remote control anything
RF remote control by home kit
voice control with Google home
voice control with Amazon alexa
custom text to speech voice
home kit control 32 channel relay